Question 069: Is it true that Imam Ali (as) was born inside the holy kaaba? What hadith proves this in Sunni reference book regarding the Birthplace of Ali ibn Abi Talib (as)?
Answer 069: No one such as Shia and Sunni can dispute that Imam Ali (AS) was the only man in history born inside the Holy Kaaba.
One of the close companions of the Prophet (SAW), Yazid ibn Qana’b, narrates the incident of the amazing birth of Imam Ali (AS) in the following words, “Abbas ibn Abdul Mutallib and I were sitting among a group of members from the Bani Abdul Azi tribe, facing the Kaaba. We could observe Fatima bint Asad who was still carrying Imam Ali (AS) in her womb, walking towards the Kaaba. It was evident that she was undergoing labor pains and we could hear her conversing in these words with her Lord: “O my Nurturer, I have full faith in You and Your Prophet (SAW) as well as the books that You have sent. I testify the words of my forefather Abraham (AS), the one who had built the Ka’ba. For the sake of the one who built this House and for the sake of the child that I am bearing, make this delivery easy for me.” At that moment, I witnessed that the rear wall of the Ka’ba suddenly cracked open and Fatima entered into it and disappeared. Abbas ibn Mutallib and I approached the crack at once, thinking that we too would be able to pass through it, but found the wall closed. We immediately understood that this was a divine act. Fatima bint Asad walked out of the Ka’ba on the forth day with her baby, Imam Ali (AS), in her arms.”
This incident has been confirmed by numerous reliable sources, making this event the first and the last of its kind. Fatima bint Asad, in evaluating herself, in comparison with the other great female personalities of Islamic history, has thus described her unique position by the ‘Will of Allah’. She says, “Allah raised my status over that of all the other ladies before me. Asiyah (wife of Pharaoh) was forced to worship her Lord from a rather undesirable place, that is acceptable only on condition that one is left with no other choice. Maryam, the daughter of Imran (SA) had to shake the date-palm in order to feed herself – but I entered into the House of Allah and was fed on heavenly fruits. As I wanted to come out from the Kaaba I heard the Command saying, “O Fatima, name this child Imam Ali, because he is exalted and his Lord is the Most exalted. I have named him after Me and have conferred on him the secrets of My Knowledge. He is the one who will clear My House from the filth of idols. He will call one and all to prayer, from atop of My House and will worship only Me. Blessed are the ones who will love him and will follow him; cursed are the ones who oppose him or are his enemies.””
Although Maryam (SA) lived in Masjid al-Aqsa (the first Muslim Qiblah), Allah (SWT) did not will that she delivered her son, Isa (AS) within of the Sacred House, however, Allah wished that Imam Ali (AS) be given birth within His House.
Most Sunni scholars accept the fact that Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) was the only man in history born inside the Holy Kaaba.
In his Mustadrak Hakim said: “No one before Ali was born in the Kaaba.” Also, Saedi has quoted from Sihah al-Sittah (“The Authentic Six”) of Ahlu Sunna: according to a narration, Imam Ali (a.s) was born in the Ka’ba on Friday, 13 Rajab, thirty years after the Amul-Fil (the year of the elephant) and according to other narration, it was after 25 years of the Amul-Fil and 12 years after Bisat (the appointment of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and No one before Ali was born in the Ka’ba).[1]
[1] . Bahrani, Sayyid Hashem, Tafsir al-Burhan, Vol. 1, Pg. 661, H 36. Sheikh Sadough, Amali, translated by Ayatollah Muhammada Baqer Kamaraei, Pg. 133, Islamiyah Publisher, sixth edition, Tehran, 1997. Hakim Neishabouri, Muhammad, Mustadrak alal Sahihain, Vol. 3, Pg. 483, Darul Marefat Publisher, second edition, Beirut, 1406 A.H. Saedi, Muhammad Baqir, Fadhael PanjeTan (the Virtues of the five purified holy personalities that together are the Founding Islamic Family) in Sihah al-Sitta of Ahlul Sunna, Vol. 1, Pg. 304, Firouz A’badi, first edition, Qom 1995. Muruj adh-dhahab, Vol. 2, Pg. 349, Dar Al-Hijrah, Qom, second edition, 1409 A.H, “و كان مولده في الكعبة” (Wa Ka’na Moledohu Fel Kaaba).
Subhan Allah.
Ya Ali as madad
May Allah (swt) grant us success and help us be the real follower of Imam Ali (as). Salawat Elahi ameen.
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