Question 455: Salam alaikom. Is it compulsory to fast on the day of Arafah? Can you please tell us those days on which we have been strongly recommended to fast?
Answer 455: There are no restrictions limiting the times of fasting to a particular day, unless it is considered as haram on the day of Eid ul-Fitr and Qurban. It is recommended to fast on the Day of Arafa. But, if it is not possible for one to recite the Duas of ‘Arafa due to weakness caused by fasting, it is considered as Makruh to fast on that day. [1]
In this regards, Imam Sadiq (as) says: Fasting on the Day of Arafat is regarded as Kaffarah of sins committed during two years.[2]
According to Sayyid Siatani (ha), fasting is Mustahab on every day of a year except those on which it is haraam or Makruh to observe a fast. Some of them which have been strongly recommended, are mentioned here:
The first and last Thursday of every month and the first Wednesday after the 10th of a month. If a person does not observe these fasts it is Mustahab that he gives their qadha. And if he is incapable of fasting, it is Mustahab for him to give one mudd of food or prescribed coined silver to poor. 13th, 14th and 15th day of every month. On all days of Rajab and Shaban or on as many days as it is possible to fast, even though it may be one day only. The day of Eid Nawroz. From the 4th up to the 9th of the month of Shawwal. The 25th and 29th day of the month of Zi qa’da. From the 1st day to the 9th day (i.e. ‘Arafa day) of the month of Zil hajj. But if, it is not possible for one to recite the Duas of ‘Arafa due to weakness caused by fasting, it is Makrooh to fast on that day. The auspicious day of Ghadir (18th Zil hajj). The auspicious day of Mubahila (24th Zil hajj). The 1st, 3rd and 7th day of Muharram. The birthday of the Holy Prophet (17th Rabi’ul awwal). 15th day of Jumadi’ul oola.
Fasting is also recommended on 27th of Rajab – the day the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) declared his Prophethood. If a person observes a Mustahab fast, it is not obligatory on him to complete it. In fact, if one of his brethren-in-faith invites him to a meal, it is Mustahab that he accepts the invitation and breaks the fast during the day time even if it may be after Zuhr.[3]
For further information in this regards, please refer to the following answers:
Index: The Virtues of the Day of Arafat, answer 155.
Index: Fasting in the holy month of Dhilhijjah and Muharram, answer 137.
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[1] . The official website of the office of Sayyid Sistani, rules concerning Fasting, issue #1757.
[2] . Man La Yahdhuruhul Faqih, Vol. 2, Pg. 87.
[3] . The official website of the office of Sayyid Sistani, Fasting.