
Question 035: Is it obligatory to make wudu after ghusl in order to offer prayers?

Answer 035: Grand Ayatollahs Imam Khomeini, Bahjat, Khamenei and Saafi: One who has performed jinabat ghusl mustn’t perform wudu in order to offer his prayers, but one must perform wudu after he has performed another obligatory or mustahab ghusl.
Ayatollah Fazel: One who has performed jinabat ghusl mustn’t perform wudu if he wants to offer his prayers. If one has performed other obligatory ghusl, except medium Istihadah ghusl, then one would be able to offer his\her prayers without wudu, although it is better to perform wudu as well.

Grand Ayatollahs Khoei, Tabrizi, Sistani, Noori, Zanjani and Vahid: One who has performed jinabat ghusl mustn’t perform wudu in order to offer prayers. If one has performed other mustahab and obligatory ghusl except medium Istihadah ghusl, one would be able to offer his\her prayers without wudu, although one is supposed to perform wudu as well, according to a recommended (mustahab) precaution.

Ayatollah Makarem: One is allowed to offer his prayer by any obligatory and mustahab ghusl such as jinabat or other one, but, according to a recommended precaution, one should perform wudu if he has performed other ghusl but jinabat.

In Conclusion: One has to perform wudu if he\she wants to offer his\her prayers, however he has performed a mustahab ghusl, according to the fatwa of grand Ayatollahs Imam Khomeini, Bahjat, Khamenei, Safi Golpayegani and Fazel Lankarani.

However, according to the fatwa of grand Ayatollahs Khoei, Tabrizi, Sistani, Makarem, Noori, Zanjani and Vahid, one is allowed to offer his prayer by mustahab ghusl, however, according to a recommended precaution, one is supposed to perform wudu if he has performed mustahab ghusl.

Sayyid Sistani (ha) says: A person who does Ghusl of Janabat should not do Wudhu for the prayers. In fact one can offer prayers without performing Wudhu after all Wajib Ghusls (except the bath for medium istihaza) as well as after Mustahab Ghusls. In the case of Mustahab Ghusls, however, it is better to do Wudhu as a recommended precaution.[1]

[1] . Tawzih al-Masael of maraja’, issues 391 & 646; Tawzih al-Masael, Ayatollah Wahid, rule 397; Ayatollah Noori, rules 392 & 647.