
Barzakh / Whoever dies shall see the Infallibles (pbuth) in His Grave

Question 564: Salam. Tell me about great explanation Alam e burzkh? And Ali a. S arrival in our grave? Bcz MOLA a. S said from kumail Ibne zayadh. I will come in grave of every, momin, munafik and kafir? Please explain?

Answer 564: Rational arguments, the Quranic verses and prophetic traditions clearly indicate that man is not perished with death.  In fact, man’s spirit which is an independent entity constitutes his identity. The Quran ascribes accidents and flaws to the body only not to the spirit. The interesting thing is that in the Holy Qur’an “dying” is mentioned fourteen times with the word tawaffa which means “entrusting”. That is to say after death one will not be perished but that Allah will take His thing back without increase or decrease and Who will entrust it to His appointed workers.[1] There are also other proofs in this regard in the Quran and traditions of which one is the Holy Prophet’s address to the people of the graves.[2] Read More


Barzakh / Everyone Shall Enter the Hell

Question 326: Do believers go to hell? Or they suffer only Barzakh?

Answer 326: In the Holy Quran Allah (SWT) says: And there is not one of you but shall come to it, This is an unavoidable decree of your Lord. And We will deliver those who guarded (against evil), and We will leave the unjust therein on their knees. [1]

The interpreters of the holy Quran have different opinions about this previous mentioned verse of the holy Quran as follows: Read More