
Shaking Hand with Non-Muslim Break Wudu?

Question 644: Sir, is Shaking Hand with Non-Muslim Break Wudu? I take admission in Canada University for my mtech programs in civil engineering, we have international university there which means that people from all sects weather hindu, Buddhist, Cristian, Jews, Sikhs, and all others study there. Read More


Permissibility of using Henna even if it was mixed by a Hindu

Question 563: Salam. Can henna be applied if it was mixed by a Hindu?

Answer 563: Generally, if a thing like henna comes into contact with moisture from or on body of a Kafir (like Hindus and Buddhists who are polytheists[1] and considered to be idolaters in a way) it would make the thing najas as well. Meaning that we are supposed to wash it according to what mentioned in Tawzih al-Masael.

Although, there would be no problem to use such henna even if it was mixed by a Hindu, because, it is not something related to drinking and eating that we are forbidden to use, but if we want to offer our prayers we have to wash it first (i.e. the henna itself not its ink and color as it doesn’t  prevent water from reaching the skin) then offer our prayers as taharat is one of the conditions must be fulfilled for offering prayers.[2]

Note: the important issue we are recommended to take it into consideration is that we are not allowed to eat the food prepared by a non-Muslim who is not from Ahle Kitãb [for example, a Hindu or a Buddhist], provided that we certainly know that the non-Muslim touched the food with wetness; and provided that the food consists of what is forbidden to us like intoxicating drinks. As for meat, fat and their extracts, the food cooked by non-Muslims should not contain any of these. If the food contains meat and animal fat, we should be sure that they are halal.[3]

[1] – Serat al-Nejat by Ayatollah al-Shaikh al-Tabrizi, vol.6, pg. 373.

[2] . Tawzih al-Masael of maraja (annotated by Imam Khomeini), Vol. 1, Pg. 95-873.

[3] . Adopted from answer 537 (Index: Eating food has been cooked by a Hindu or Buddhist).