
Glossary 507: Qama Zani / How the Infallible Imams mourned for Imam Hussain

Glossary 507: Qama Zani / How the Infallible Imams (pbuth) mourned for Imam Hussain (as)

Related Code: 507

Categories: Islamic Laws / Azadari

Glossary 507: Karbala,[1] Imam Hussain (as),[2] Ashura,[3] Imam Sajjad,[4] Ummah,[5] Bakka’een,[6] Taqiyyah,[7] Imam Sadiq,[8] Imam Kazim,[9] Kumit Asadi,[10] Da’bal Khaza’ei,[11] Seyyed Humairi,[12] Qama zani,[13] Ulema,[14] Maraj’e,[15] Ahadith,[16] Mustahab,[17] Sha’air” Arabic: شعائر,[18] Hijamah,[19] Shi’ism,[20]

[1] . A city in Iraq, located about 100 km (62 mi) southwest of Baghdad.

[2] . Al-Ḥussain ibn ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib (as), was the grandson of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), and the son of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib and lady Fatimah al-Zahra (pbuth) the daughter of the Prophet.

[3] . The tenth day of Muharram in the Islamic calendar.

[4] . Ali ibn Hussain known as Zayn al-Abidin and Imam al-Sajjad (as), was the fourth Shia Imam, after his father Imam Hussain (as), his uncle Imam Hassan (as), and his grandfather Imam Ali (as). Ali ibn Hussain (as) survived the #Battle of #Karbala and was taken, to the caliph in Damascus (Yazīd ibn Mu‘āwiya (la)).

[5] . An Arabic word meaning Community.

[6] . Those who cried very much.

[7] . Literally means to avoid a harm or an injury. Technically, it means expressing peace and reconciliation even if one may internally act against it.

[8] . Imam Jaʿfar ibn Muḥammad al-Ṣādiq (as), commonly known as Jaʿfar al-Sadiq or simply al-Sadiq, is the sixth Shia Imam.

[9] . Imam Mūsá ibn Ja‘far al-Kāzim (as), also called Abūl-Hasan, Abū Abd Allah, Abū Ibrāhīm, and al-Kāzim, was the seventh Shiite Imam after his father Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (pbuth).

[10] . One of the prominent poet contemporary with #Ahul #Bayt (pbuth) that meet the three following approbation: Imam Sajjad, Imam Muhammad Baqir and Imam Ja’afar Sadiq (pbuth).

[11] . Abu Ali, Da’bal bin Ali bin Razin bin Uthman bin Abd Allah bin Budayl bin Warqa Khaza’ei Kufi. His grave is in Daniyal City in Khuzistan Province in Iran.

[12] . One of the greatest poet. His parents were Nasibi. He became Shia later. He composed thousands of elegiacs and poems about the virtues of Ahlul Bayt (pbuth).

[13] . An act of mourning by some of Shia Muslims. It is also known as Talwar Zani.

[14] . Singular عالِم ʿĀlim, “scholar”, literally “the learned ones”, also spelled ulema; feminine: alimah (singular) and uluma (plural)), is defined as the “those recognized as scholars or authorities” in the “religious hierarchy” of the Islamic religious studies.

[15] . Known as a marjaʿ #taqlīdī or marjaʿ dīnī (Arabic: مرجع تقليدي / مرجع ديني‎‎), literally means “source to imitate/follow” or “religious reference”, is a label provided to the highest level Shia authority, a Grand Ayatollah with the authority to make legal decisions (Fatwa) within the confines of Islamic law (Ahkam) for followers and less-credentialed clerics. After the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet and Infallible Imams (PBUTH), marājiʿ are the highest authority on religious laws in Usuli Shia Islam.

[16] . One of various reports describing the words, actions, or habits of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The term comes from Arabic meaning a “report”, “account” or “narrative”.

[17] . Referring to recommended, favored or virtuous actions. Mustahabb actions are those whose status of approval in Islamic Laws (ahkam) falls between Mubah (neither encouraged nor discouraged) and Wajib (compulsory, obligatory, mandatory). One definition is “duties recommended, but not essential; fulfilment of which is rewarded, though they may be neglected without punishment”

[18] . Sacraments, Way marks.

[19] . An Arabic term for wet cupping, where blood is drawn by vacuum from a small skin incision for therapeutic purposes. The practice has Greek and Persian origin and is mentioned by #Hippocrates. It is reported that the Holy Prophet #Muhammad (pbuh) has said, “Indeed the best of remedies you have is hijama, and if there was something excellent to be used as a remedy then it is hijama. (#Bihar al-#Anwar, Vol. 62, Pg. 300, chapter 89;  #Kafi, Vol. 6, Pg. 484.)

[20] . The true and righteous religion. #Islam is the last and the most complete of the revealed religions.  Indeed, it is only the teachings of the Shia religion that can depict the pure Muhammad Islam.


Glossary 505: Delaying Death and Called before its Time

Original Post: Delaying Death and Called before its Time

Related Code: 505

Glossary 505: Ahadith[1], Quranic[2], Ajal[3], Ajal muallaq[4], Ajal hatmi[5], Lawḥ[6], Ithbāt[7], lawh mahw wa ithbat[8], Umm al-Kitāb[9], Pbuth[10], Gheib[11], Imam Sadiq[12], Mulla Sadra[13], Harakat Jowhariyah[14], Tawaffi[15], Ruh[16], Nafs[17], Wafat[18], Faut[19], Mawtehââ[20], Anfos[21], Manameha[22], Imam Hussain[23], Maḥw[24], Ajal musamma[25]

[1] . – Ahadith:  One of various reports describing the words, actions, or habits of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The term comes from Arabic meaning a “report”, “account” or “narrative”.

[2] . – Quranic: It is used to describe something which belongs or relates to the Holy Quran.

[3] . – Ajal: Term. Life Time. Preordained Time. Specified Date.

[4] . – Ajal muallaq: The conditional ajal. Suspended Lifespan.

[5] . – Ajal hatmi: Cannot be changed. Definite Lifespan.

[6] . – Lawḥ: Tablet. The Book of Allah’s Recorded Knowledge.  Tablet of wood or stone used for writing.

[7] . Ithbāt: Affirmation. Writing.

[8] . – lawh mahw wa ithbat: The knowledge which is capable of erasure and substitution; The knowledge which is Liable to change from time to time.

[9] . – Umm al-Kitāb: The Mother Book, The Basis of the Book, The Original of the Book.

[10] . – Pbuth: Peace be Upon Them (The Infallibles).

[11] . – Gheib: The Unseen.

[12] . – Imam Sadiq: Imam Jaʿfar ibn Muḥammad al-Ṣādiq (as), commonly known as Jaʿfar al-Sadiq or simply al-Sadiq, is the sixth Shia Imam.

[13] . – Mulla Sadra: Ṣadr ad-Dīn Muḥammad Shīrāzī. He was an Iranian Shia Islamic philosopher, theologian and ‘Ālim who led the Iranian cultural renaissance in the 17th century.

[14] . – Harakat Jowhariyah: substantial motion.

[15] . – Tawaffi: This word is derived from the root word “وفی” which means to receive something in a complete way. “توفیت المال” means that I received all of the money with no shortage. The Quran refers to death with this term in 14 verses and this means that first: man has a metaphysical aspect and it is because of this aspect that man never ceases and is delivered completely to the angels at the moment of death.

[16] . – Ruh: Spirit.

[17] . – Nafs: Soul.

[18] . – Wafat: complete reception. In Farsi it is وفات.

[19] . – Faut: ceasing. In Farsi it is فوت.

[20] . – Mawtehââ: Death.

[21] . – Anfos: Souls.

[22] . – Manameha: Sleep.

[23] . – Imam Hussain: – Imam Hussain: Al-Ḥussain ibn ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib (as), was the grandson of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), and the son of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib and lady Fatimah al-Zahra (pbuth) the daughter of the Prophet.

[24] . – Maḥw: Erasure; Rubbing something out.

[25] . – Ajal musamma: The definite ajal. Specified term. Fixed time. Fixed Term.


Nazr, Religious vows of Imam Sadiq on the 22nd Rajab

Question 343: Assalam o alAikum, I wanted to ask about Nazr (Religious vows) of 22nd Rajab ul Murjib. Which relates with Imam Jafer Sadiq as. In Pakistan and India Sunni and Shia are observing it every year. But, as I came across with some Saudi , Lebanese and Bahraini shia, they are not aware of it. Kindly explain

Answer 343: In Shia sources, there has not been mentioned any hadith related to this topic. Perhaps, the reason why the 22th day of Rajab has been considered as a joyful day unto the believer is that an enemy of Ahlul Bayt (pbuth) had been killed on this day, according to Sheikh Mufid.[1]

So, as a sign of gratitude for the perdition of the enemy (i.e. Muʿāwiyah ibn ʾAbī Ṣufyān), it is Mustahab to fast on this day.[2]

[1] . Sheikh Mufid, Muhammad bin Muhammad, Masar al-Shia, Pg. 59, Sheikh Mufid Congress, Qom, 1413 A.H.

[2] . Sayyid ibn Tawus, Iqbal al-A’mal, Pg. 667, Dar al-Kutub al-Islmaiya, Tehran, 1988; Ibid, Pg. 176.