
Taking money from husbands purse without permission

Question 650: Assalam o alaikum. Is wife, mother, sister and daughter allowed to take money from the purse of husband, son, brother and father without taking permission? I want to know the Rules of Taking money from husbands purse without permission?

Answer 650: Generally, arrogating others property is prohibited without the owner’s permission even if it is a tiny seed.[1] Also it is no allowable for a father to possess his baligh son’s (who reach at the age of puberty) property without his permission as it is considered as a haram act.[2] Read More


Receiving interest from non-Islamic banks

Question 168: I would like to ask you questions about the bank transactions in a country like India where the Govt. is non-Islamic.

  1. If somebody keeps a particular amount of money (say one lac of rupees) in a bank for a fixed period of time say 4 years and the deal will be done on a fixed interest rate say 10%. After 4 years he gets the sum of Rs 146,000. Will the extra amount considered to be Haram (Riba) or will it be halal and if it is haram then what do we have to do with this amount of money?
  2. Almost all people have a savings account in the bank and the bank itself gives interest to their clients if they their money idle in the account for many years. Will the extra money considered to be Riba or not
  3. And what if somebody works in these types of banks; is it permissible to work there or not or is there any precaution to be taken?

Answer 168: These are the responses we have received from the offices of the Grand Ayatollahs so far regarding your inquiry: Read More


Obligatory of Khums on savings exceeds ones expenditure

Question 559: Assalamulaikum. I have a question regarding Khums on savings exceeds ones expenditure, please. A person has taken a bank loan, and spent the money. The loan is being paid back by monthly installments. The person is able to pay the monthly installments and has enough extra from the monthly salary to put into a savings account. Is khums payable on the savings, given that the loan repayments is still ongoing. Thank you

Answer 559: One of the thing which the khums is obligatory on is profit or gain from earning. This means, if you earn by means of trade, industry, agricultural work, teaching, research or any other ways of earning, and if it exceeds the annual expenses for maintaining yourself and your family, you should pay Khums (i.e. 1/5) from the surplus, in accordance with the rules mentioned in Tawzih al-Masael of maraja’.

Therefore, you are supposed to pay Khums after a year has passed since you gained, on the savings which exceeds your expenditure as well as paying the monthly installments of the loan for that year.[1]

Note: In case the saving is used to purchase the essential things and meet the expenses, Khums would not be payable on it, if it is spent (two or three months) shortly after the khums year to meet those needs.[2]

[1] . The official website of the office of Syyid Sistani, rules concerning Khums.

[2] . Tawzih al-Masael of maraja’ (annotated by Imam Khomeini), Vol. 2, Pg. 79, Q 909.


Purchasing something from Haram Rizq

Question 004: I am a teenager that knows that my father is earning Haram Rizq (money). If something is purchased from that money does it also become haram?

Answer 004: If you are absolutely sure he is earning haram rizq you are not allowed to buy anything from that money. Otherwise, if you are not sure, there would be no problem to use it.

Therefore, buying anything with money earned in a fashion that is haram rizq, makes the thing itself haram.

Note: forbidding others from haram acts, or enjoining them to do their wajib ones, is wajib (obligatory) upon us, because it falls under the category of amr bil ma’ruf wa nahy anil munkar, and this applies to everyone. Thus, carrying this religious duty is also wajib, given that all the conditions are met and that it certainly applies.