
Answer to your mothers call while you are praying

Question 011: Is it permissible to answer to your mothers call while you are praying your Salah?

Answer 011: It is permissible to break your obligatory prayer when you become compelled or if there is any religious or mundane purposes which is really important for you. Therefore, if you make sure your mother has some really important things to tell you there would be no problem to break your prayer and answer her call.

Otherwise, if you think she wants to say ‘Salam’ and something which is not really important you are not allowed to break your prayer.

It is noteworthy to say that breaking mustahab (recommended) prayers are permissible whenever you want.[1]

[1] . Tawzih al-masa’il (al-mohasha (connotation)), Vol. 1. Pg. 631.