Question 168: I would like to ask you questions about the bank transactions in a country like India where the Govt. is non-Islamic.
- If somebody keeps a particular amount of money (say one lac of rupees) in a bank for a fixed period of time say 4 years and the deal will be done on a fixed interest rate say 10%. After 4 years he gets the sum of Rs 146,000. Will the extra amount considered to be Haram (Riba) or will it be halal and if it is haram then what do we have to do with this amount of money?
- Almost all people have a savings account in the bank and the bank itself gives interest to their clients if they their money idle in the account for many years. Will the extra money considered to be Riba or not
- And what if somebody works in these types of banks; is it permissible to work there or not or is there any precaution to be taken?
Answer 168: These are the responses we have received from the offices of the Grand Ayatollahs so far regarding your inquiry: Read More