
Difference between Spirituality and Religion / Soul and Nafs

Question 292: Salam to you all. My question is , What is the Difference between Spirituality and Religion / Soul and Nafs? May Allah bless u all.

Answer 292: It has been said that the word Dīn appears in as many as 95 verses in the holy Quran. This term has been used for more than 20 meanings that all of them refer to the three following meanings:

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Glossary 505: Delaying Death and Called before its Time

Original Post: Delaying Death and Called before its Time

Related Code: 505

Glossary 505: Ahadith[1], Quranic[2], Ajal[3], Ajal muallaq[4], Ajal hatmi[5], Lawḥ[6], Ithbāt[7], lawh mahw wa ithbat[8], Umm al-Kitāb[9], Pbuth[10], Gheib[11], Imam Sadiq[12], Mulla Sadra[13], Harakat Jowhariyah[14], Tawaffi[15], Ruh[16], Nafs[17], Wafat[18], Faut[19], Mawtehââ[20], Anfos[21], Manameha[22], Imam Hussain[23], Maḥw[24], Ajal musamma[25]

[1] . – Ahadith:  One of various reports describing the words, actions, or habits of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The term comes from Arabic meaning a “report”, “account” or “narrative”.

[2] . – Quranic: It is used to describe something which belongs or relates to the Holy Quran.

[3] . – Ajal: Term. Life Time. Preordained Time. Specified Date.

[4] . – Ajal muallaq: The conditional ajal. Suspended Lifespan.

[5] . – Ajal hatmi: Cannot be changed. Definite Lifespan.

[6] . – Lawḥ: Tablet. The Book of Allah’s Recorded Knowledge.  Tablet of wood or stone used for writing.

[7] . Ithbāt: Affirmation. Writing.

[8] . – lawh mahw wa ithbat: The knowledge which is capable of erasure and substitution; The knowledge which is Liable to change from time to time.

[9] . – Umm al-Kitāb: The Mother Book, The Basis of the Book, The Original of the Book.

[10] . – Pbuth: Peace be Upon Them (The Infallibles).

[11] . – Gheib: The Unseen.

[12] . – Imam Sadiq: Imam Jaʿfar ibn Muḥammad al-Ṣādiq (as), commonly known as Jaʿfar al-Sadiq or simply al-Sadiq, is the sixth Shia Imam.

[13] . – Mulla Sadra: Ṣadr ad-Dīn Muḥammad Shīrāzī. He was an Iranian Shia Islamic philosopher, theologian and ‘Ālim who led the Iranian cultural renaissance in the 17th century.

[14] . – Harakat Jowhariyah: substantial motion.

[15] . – Tawaffi: This word is derived from the root word “وفی” which means to receive something in a complete way. “توفیت المال” means that I received all of the money with no shortage. The Quran refers to death with this term in 14 verses and this means that first: man has a metaphysical aspect and it is because of this aspect that man never ceases and is delivered completely to the angels at the moment of death.

[16] . – Ruh: Spirit.

[17] . – Nafs: Soul.

[18] . – Wafat: complete reception. In Farsi it is وفات.

[19] . – Faut: ceasing. In Farsi it is فوت.

[20] . – Mawtehââ: Death.

[21] . – Anfos: Souls.

[22] . – Manameha: Sleep.

[23] . – Imam Hussain: – Imam Hussain: Al-Ḥussain ibn ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib (as), was the grandson of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), and the son of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib and lady Fatimah al-Zahra (pbuth) the daughter of the Prophet.

[24] . – Maḥw: Erasure; Rubbing something out.

[25] . – Ajal musamma: The definite ajal. Specified term. Fixed time. Fixed Term.