
How to make niyyat to pray salat al-Layl

Question 448: Salaam alaykum. For salat al layl, when we recite the first eight rakah, at the beginning of every two rakah, do we have to recite niyah again? Also do we have to recite Tashud and Salaam like Fajr prayers, at the end of two rakah? So, how to make niyyat to pray salat al-Layl?

Answer 448: Niyyat (an obligatory act of prayer which is elemental (Rukn)), Tashahhud (to express testimony once in a prayer of two Rak’ats after raising the head from the last prostration, and twice in the prayers having three or four Rak’ats) and Salaam or Taslim (Salutation) are some of the obligatory acts relating to prayer whether it is mustahab or wajib prayer. Read More


Different sects of Muslims have different ways of prayers

Question 334: Salam all. Why Different sects of Muslims have different ways of prayers???

Answer 334: According to Shia and Sunni, there are some different ways of offering prayers like praying with closed hands or combining the Noon and Afternoon prayers. The main reasons why Ahlul Sunnah offer their prayers so differently, are a few traditions have been narrated from the holy Prophet (pbuh) as well as bid’ah ruled by the second Khalifah. Read More


Allocated time for offering Obligatory Prayers

Question 534: If I work during Dhuhr waqt and only finish work after 4pm when Asr’s waqt is in already. Do I pray Dhuhr at the first chance I get or do I first perform Asr and then Dhuhr or when should I make Dhuhr? I want to know about the Allocated time for offering Obligatory Prayers?

Answer 534: If a stick, a pole, or anything similar to it, which acts as an indicator (shakhis) is made to stand on a level ground, its shadow will fall westwards when the sun rises in the morning, and as the sun continues to rise the shadow cast by the indicator will reduce in size. And in our cities it becomes smallest at the time of the commencement of Zuhr. And as Zuhr passes the shadow cast by the indicator turns eastwards, and as the sun moves towards west the shadow gets longer. Based on this, when the shadow is the shortest, and it begins getting longer again, it is known that Zuhr has taken place. However, in other cities like in Mecca, the shadow disappears totally, so, when it reappears it indicates Zuhr. Read More


Prayer Time: The Due Time for Obligatory Prayers

Question 199:  Assalamualaikum. Is the time of Asr like that of the Hanafi school, or like all of the others? What are the prayer times (i.e. the due time for obligatory prayers)?

Answer 199: There are three time periods allocated to every one of the five daily prayers that are as follows: Read More


Salat al-Ayãt: Prayers for Eclipse or Frightening Acts of God

Question 158: When Salat al-Ayat (Namaz e Ayaat) becomes obligatory on us? Please, explain about the method of offering the prayer (Salat al-Ayãt: Prayers for Eclipse or Frightening Acts of God).

Answer 158: Namaz-e-Ayaat becomes obligatory due the following four things: Solar Eclipse Lunar Eclipse. The prayer becomes Wajib even if the moon or the sun are partially eclipsed, and even if they do not engender any fear. Read More


Offering congregational prayers behind a Sunni Imam

Question 237: Salam, wanna ask if I am praying behind a Sunni imam then do i need to recite all in my own words or its same like as behind a Shia imam, any other difference?

Answer 237: Congregational Prayers is one of the most important recommended acts, and it is one of the greatest Islamic rites. Great emphasis has been laid on it in the narrations. It is recommended that obligatory prayers, especially the daily prayers, are performed in congregation, and more emphasis has been laid on congregational prayers for Fajr, Maghrib and Isha, and also for those who live in the neighborhood of a mosque, and are able to hear its Adhan.[1] Read More


Direction of Qibla: Offering prayers on a plane

Question 327: If someone is traveling on a plane & time of prayer falls within his/her travel time, what will be the direction of Qibla he/she should turn his/her face for salat? According to me, usually Qibla will be downwards (but not east, west, north or south) when you are on a flight….so do you know what is the ruling of major marja-e-keram about this? How offering prayers on a plane should be toward Qibla?

Answer 327: Under no circumstances or conditions is it permissible to discard Salah, as it is wajib. Salah must be offered in any possible situation. If possible, a person who is in flight, space, or any other means of travel should try to settle in a fixed location using the available means in order to complete salah. If a person cannot do that, then they should offer their salah in any way possible, even if they can only use motions. Read More


Miss Sunni Imam in Ruku in congregational Prayer

Question 270: assalam alaykum. when a shia is in a sunni jamaat prayer And lifts his hands for Qonoot in the second rakaat as they go for rokoo is it still considered as a jamaat prayer?

Answer 270: If you know that if you complete qunut, you will not be able to join the Imam in his Ruku, yet you purposely recite qunut, and miss the Imam in Ruku, your congregational prayer will be void, and should act accordingly to the rules of Furada prayers.

Otherwise, if you are sure that if you recite qunut you will not miss the Imam in Ruku, but when you recite qunut and miss the Imam in Ruku, your congregational prayer is in order.

As you know it is Mustahab that qunut be recited in all obligatory and Mustahab prayers before the Ruku of the second Rak’at. So, if you don’t recite it there would be no problem in it and your prayers would be in order.[1]

For further information in this regards, please refer to the following answer:

Index: Number of things which invalidate the prayer, answer 547.

Index: Qualification of an Imam of congregational prayers, answer 021.

Index: The differences and similarities between Shia and Sunni, answer 187.

Index: Offering prayer behind a Sunni Imam, answer 237.


[1] . The official website of the office of Sayyid Sistani (ha), obligatory acts relating to Namaz, issues 1452&1453;  Tawzih al-Masael of maraja’, Vol. 1, issues 1117-1121.


Add anything in Adhan as blessing

Question 285: obviously who thinks about it before reciting that,”I’m about to recite this but not as a part but as a blessing”.Its either you do it or don’t. Its absolute. But what about those sources which say Bilal actually included Ali un waliullah in the adhan during the adhan in Ghadeer Khumn?

And also as per the blessing logic, why can’t I simply add anything in adhan as a blessing? I can say Gabriel is the supreme angel ,Ibrahim was a great imam and prophet etc.I mean,all of these would also bless me.I still don’t get the logic.

Answer 285: There are some particular traditions in which we are allowed to recite the third testimony in Adhan as a blessing and with the intention of Qurbat, however there has not been mentioned any reliable hadith saying that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has ever recited it to His Adhan or even allowed others to do so. Read More


Reciting Small Surah in Night Prayer

Question 573: In the other salats of Nafilah of Layl, any small surahs can be recited after Sura al-Hamd.

Answer 573: You are allowed to recite other small Surahs of the holy Quran in each Raka’at of the Night Prayer, however it is said that if you recite Surah al-Ikhlas (Tawhid) after Surah al-Hamd in Shaf’a and Witr prayers you would be given the reward of reciting the whole Quran.[1] Because, the both prayers have 3 Rak’ats and if you recite surah al-Ikhlas three times it would be regarded as reciting the whole Quran.

When it comes to the rak’ats of Shaf’a prayer, it is better to recite Surah al-Falaq after Surah Hamd in the first rak’at and to recite Surah Naas after Surah al-Hamd in the second rak’at. There remains one rak’at of witr prayer in which it is better to recite Surah al-Tawhid thrice after Surah al-Hamd along with Surah al-Falaq and Surah Naas. One can suffice to reciting only Surah al-Tawhid and then perform Qunut.

For further information in this regards, please refer to the following answer:

Index: The night prayer or Salat al-Layl (Tahajjud), answer 234.

Index: Number of things which invalidate the prayer, answer 547.

Index: The Secret of Prayer / Sirr us-Salat, answer 589.

Index:  Do we have to pray in Arabic language, answer 010.

Index:  Saying Āmīn during prayer in validate the prayer, answer 017.

Index: Reciting Dua or Dikr in any language during the Prayer, answer 579.

[1] . Bahrani, al-Burhan, Tehran, Bonyad Beathat, 1416 A.H, Vol. 5, Pg. 797; al-Da’awat, Pg. 218.