
Wudu: Permissibility of touching the script of the holy Quran

Question 128: I know that one must perform Wudhu before you touch the Qur’an. What is the proper etiquette for handling the Qur’an and does it apply to the translations as well or just Qur’an in Arabic?

Answer 128: It is haraam to touch the script of the holy Qur’an with any part of one’s body, without performing Wudhu. There is no harm in touching the translation of the holy Qur’an, in any language, without Wudhu.

It is haraam, as an obligatory precaution, to touch the Names of Allah (SWT), without Wudhu, in whichever language it may have been translated. It is also haraam to touch, without Wudhu, the blessed names of the Holy Prophets of Islam, the Holy Imams and Hazrat Fatima Zahra (peace be upon them).[1] Read More


Rules concerning Janabat during the holy month of Ramadan

Question 394: What is the ruling on Ehtelam in Ramadan? If a person doesn’t perform ghusal before Imsak then what about the Fasting? And if a person is taking a nap afternoon, and something like this (2-3 drops not sperms) happens, what is he supposes to do, is ghusal wajib on him? and what about that fasting, is it makrooh, haram, batil? A friend needs help 🙂 Jurisprudent: Ayatollah Sayed Khamenai or Sistani I guess.

Answer 394: If a person enters the state of Janabat during a night in the month of Ramadhan, and does not take Ghusl intentionally till the time left before Adhan is short, he/she should perform tayammum and observe the fast. However, it is a recommended precaution that its qadha is also given.

If a person in Janabat in the month of Ramadhan forgets to take Ghusl and remembers it after one day, he should observe the qadha of the fast of that day. And if he remembers it after a number of days he should observe the qadha of the fasts of all those days, during which he is certain to have been in Janabat. For example, if he is not sure whether he was in Janabat for three days or four, he should observe the qadha of three days.

If a person who does not have time for Ghusl or performing tayammum in a night of Ramadhan gets into state of Janabat, his fast will be void and it will be obligatory upon him to give qadha of that fast, as well as Kaffarah.

If a person investigates whether or not he has enough time at his disposal, and believing that he has time for Ghusl, goes into state of Janabat and when he learns later that actually the time was short, he performs tayammum, his fast will be in order. And if he presumes without any investigation that he has enough time at his disposal and gets into Janabat and when he learns later that the time was short, keeps the fast with tayammum, he should, as a recommended precaution, observe the qadha of that fast.

If a person investigates whether or not he has enough time at his disposal, and believing that he has time for Ghusl, goes into state of Janabat and when he learns later that actually the time was short, he performs tayammum, his fast will be in order. And if he presumes without any investigation that he has enough time at his disposal and gets into Janabat and when he learns later that the time was short, keeps the fast with tayammum, he should, as a recommended precaution, observe the qadha of that fast.

When a person in Janabat goes to sleep in a night of Ramadhan and then wakes up, the obligatory precaution is that if he is not sure about waking up again, he should not go to sleep before Ghusl, even if he has a faint hope that he might wake up before Fajr if he sleeps again.

If a person in Janabat in the night of Ramadhan feels certain that if he goes to sleep he will wake up before the time of Fajr prayers, and is determined to do Ghusl upon waking up, and oversleeps with that determination till the time of Fajr prayers, his fast will be in order. And the same rule applies to a person who, though not absolutely certain, is hopeful about waking up before the time of Fajr prayers.

Ihtilam During Day Time: If a person observing fast becomes Mohtalim during day time, it is not obligatory on him to do Ghusl at once.

When a person wakes up in the month of Ramadhan after the Fajr prayers and finds that he has become Mohtalim his fast is in order, even if he knows that he became Mohtalim before the Fajr prayers.

Note: There are three characteristics of semen as follows: 1) A sticky liquid that smells like dough. 2) Its color is milky with a hint of either green or yellow. 3) It is ejaculated when orgasm is reached, after which the body feels relaxed.

There must exist three characteristics for it to be called semen. They are: Sexual desire, ejaculation, and resultant relaxation of the body. In sick people, however, sexual desire is sufficient. So, if you saw the drops (as you are sure it is not sperm) that has not the above mentioned sings of the three characteristics it would not regarded as sperm and then no need to perform Jinabat ghusl. As a result, your fast is in order.

When one cannot ascertain whether the fluid emitted from one’s body is semen, urine or something else, it will be treated as semen if it is thrown out with lust and if the body is slackened. If all or some of these signs are not present the fluid will not be treated as semen. In the case of illness, the fluid may not come out with sudden swiftness and the body may not slacken; but if the emission takes place with lust, it will be treated as semen.

So, if he becomes sure the drop is semen or any other najas thing the clothes is treated as impure. Otherwise, it is considered as clean. As a result, if it is not semen performing ghusl is not obligatory upon him.[1]

For further information regarding Kaffarah, please refer to the following answer:

Index: Things from which a person keeping fast must abstain & Kaffarah (Expiation), answer 372.

[1] . Official Website of Sayyid Sistani (ha), Rules concerning Fasting, Remaining in Janabat or Haidh or Nifas till Fajr time;  Ayatollah Khamenei (ha), Ajwabat al-Istiftaat, Q 180; Ibid, Istiftaat, rules concerning Jinaba ghusl, Q 177, Pg. 229.


Things from which a person keeping fast must abstain & Kaffarah (Expiation)

Question 372: what is the kaffarah for one day of not fasting Ramadan? (besides fasting 60 days)

Answer 372: There are nine acts which invalidate fast as follows:  1) Eating and drinking. 2) Sexual intercourse. 3) Masturbation (Istimna) which means self-abuse, resulting in ejaculation. 4) Ascribing false things to Allah, the Almighty or his Prophet or to the successors of the Holy Prophet (pbuth). 5) Swallowing thick dust. 6) Immersing one’s complete head in water. 7) Remaining in Janabat or Haidh or Nifas till the Adhan for Fajr prayers. 8) Enema with liquids. 9) Vomiting. Read More


Rules of prayers and fasting performed without ghusl

Question 034: I used to masturbate, for the past few years, without knowing it was haram and that it voids the prayers and the fasts. I didn’t take the ghusl (ritual bath) and was fasting and praying in this impure state. Today I understand my mistake, but I don’t remember how many times I did it, nor how many fast/prayers it concerns. I’m 14 years old, and I don’t know which rules apply to me in order to pay the Qadha, as I didn’t know it was haram. I think I’ve missed at least three months of fasts. What’s the rule for someone who ignored that masturbation was illicit? I follow Ayatullah Khamenei.

Answer 034: Undoubtedly, one must make qada, as all the fasting and prayers have been done in the state of Janabat, according to Ayatollah Khomeini, Bahjat, Tabrizi, Khamenei, Makarem, Vahid and Sobhani.[1] If he\she knew that, his\her prayer and fasting in this state is regarded as invalid. What should one do if the one didn’t know the rule concerning this issue nor knew that performing ghusl is required for doing such acts?

Remember, to act based on your own marja’ ruling. Here are some of the answers of our contemporary scholars concerning this issue, as follows:

According to Imam Khomeini (May his soul rest in peace), who had replied to the question: What is the ruling on a woman who ignorantly didn’t know the rules concerning womens ihtilam and then she has done her worships without ghusl? He replied as follows: If they weren’t sure that they have become polluted, (jonob) there would be no need to compensate those prayers that have been offered in that state, however in any case, her fasting were considered as valid.

According to Ayatollah Khamenei, one must make qada for those of her prayers that have been offered in the state of janabat, but her fasting is considered as valid and doesn’t need to compensate it if she didn’t know the rules concerning the janabat itself.
According to Ayatollah Bahjat, one who doesn’t know that janabat ghusl is obligatory, his\her prayers that have been offered in that state are void and must compensate them.
Ayatollah Makarem has said, as long as the woman has performed hayd ghusl (as it is sufficient by which she doesn’t need to perform janabat ghusl), those of her prayers and fasting that have been done after the ghusl, are treated as valid. Those prayers that have been offered before performing ghusl and in the state of janabat are void and must be compensated. One who has become polluted by doing haram act is able to perform his\her ghusl by hot water.

According to Ayatollah Sistani, Safi Golpayegani and Fazel (ha): if you didn’t neglect learning Islamic laws your fasts have been done in this state would be in order, but you must perform Ghusl and fulfill the qaza of your prayers.[2]

Ayatollah Noori, Your fast is in order, but you have to qadha all your prayers offered in the state of Janabat.[3]

Note: Self-satisfaction which is referred to as masturbation or Istimna’ is a major sin and haram and has a heavy punishment.

In the Holy Quran Allah (SWT) says: “Say [that Allah declares,] ” O My servants who have committed excesses against their own souls, do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed Allah will forgive all sins. Indeed He is the All-forgiving, the All-merciful.”[4]

[1] . Ayatollah Tabrizi, Serat al-Najat, Vol. 1, Q 107; Minhaj al-Salehin, Vol. 1, after rule 1004;  Ayatollah Wahid, Minhaj al-Salehin, Vol. 2, after rule 1004;  Sitiftaat, Vol. 1, Fasting, Q 31, Ayatollah Khamenei, Q 194.

[2] . Ayatollah Sistani, Minhaj al-Salehin, Vol, after rule 1004;  Ayatollah Fazel, Jame al-Masael, Vol. 1, Q 558.

[3] . Ayatollah Noori, Istiftaat, Vol. 2, Q 96.

[4] . Surah al-Zumar, verse 53.


Number of things which invalidate Wudhu (ablution)

Question 556: Can you please let us know those things that invalidate Wudhu (ablution) and their Causes?

Brief answer 556: Things that invalidate wudu are: Passing of urine. Excretion. Passing wind from the rear. A sleep, deep enough to restrict sight and hearing. However, if the eyes do not see anything, but the ears can hear, Wudhu does not become void. Things on account of which a person loses his sensibility, like insanity, intoxication or unconsciousness. Istihaza which will be dealt with later. Janabat, and, as a recommended precaution, every state which requires Ghusl.[1]


Detailed answer 556: There are several Unclean Things which invalidate wudu (ablution) and cause the necessity for its repetition.


1 & 2: Effusion of urine or what falls under its category, such as the suspected wetness coming out before istibrã’ or excretion of feces from the natural or unnatural passage, regardless whether the natural passage is blocked or not, and whether its amount is large or small, and whether it is accompanied, for example, by worms or lumps.

3: Passing out of wind from anus, if it comes out of the stomach or bowels, whether it is accompanied with sound and bad odor or not. But the wind that comes out of the front organ (vulva) of a woman, and not from the stomach or bowels is like the wind that enters from outside and then comes out. (It will not nullify ablution).

4: A sleep which overwhelms the senses of sight and hearing (as a result of which the eyes do not see, and the ears do not hear).

5: Everything which stuns human reason such as insanity, swooning, drunkenness or the like.

6: The minor or medium Istihädah (undue menstruation), rather to be more cautious, the abundant one too, though we have declared ritual bath to be obligatory in such cases.

Note: If the water of enema comes out without being accompanied by something like it would not invalidate ablution.

Likewise, if there is suspicion of the water of enema being accompanied by something, Or when some worm or lump comes out without being sullied by feces, (the ablution shall not be void)[2]

[1] . Tawzih al-Masael of maraja’ (annotated by Imam Khomeini), Vol. 1, Pg. 188.

[2] . Tahrir al-Wasilah of Imam Khomeini, Vol. 1, Things that invalidate Ablution & Their Causes.