
Wisdom of placing the Holy Quran on our head

Question 112: What is the wisdom and narrations of placing the Holy Qur’an on top of your head? When are the appropriate times during the year to do this?

Answer 112: As we Shia follow the traditions of the Infallibles (as), we all follow whatever they have been told us in this regards.
Ali bin Yaqteen narrated from Imam Kadhim (as) that the Imam (as) said: “Take the holy Quran in your hand and place it on top of your head and then say:

اللَّهُمَّ بِحَقِّ مَنْ أَرْسَلْتَهُ إِلَى خَلْقِكَ وَ بِكُلِّ آيَةٍ هِيَ فِيهِ وَ بِحَقِّ كُلِّ مُؤْمِنٍ مَدَحْتَهُ فِيهِ وَ بِحَقِّهِ عَلَيْكَ وَ لَا أَحَدَ أَعْرَفُ بِحَقِّهِ مِنْكَ يَا سَيِّدِي يَا سَيِّدِي يَا سَيِّدِي

Then say “یا الله” (O Allah) for ten times, “بحق محمد” (by the right of Muhammad (pbuh)) ten times, and then continue saying each name of the Infallible Imams (pbuth) ten times. After all has been mentioned ten times, beg Allah whatever you want. So, Allah, the Almighty will grant all your wishes.

It is said (in traditional resources) that whenever you face any problems try to offer two Rakats, place the holy Quran on top of your head and mention the name of Allah (SWT), Holy Prophet (pbuh) and ahlul bayt (pbuth) ten times, so Allah. The Almighty will grant your wishes. [1]

While placing the qur’an on the head. Remind yourself that true salvation can only be achieved by always keeping the rules of qur’an ahead of us to follow. The fact that we put the Qur’an on our head is a sign of respect and reverence. We beseech Allah by the thaqalayn – the speaking and the silent Qur’an.[2] Pray for Aql/Intelligence to be Kamil (complete), it is Kashe (submits) to quran & acquires Noor (light) from it.

O Allah! I appeal to Thee in the name of this Qur’an and the Rooh that was sent along with it, and in the name of the Momin (believer) whose praise is contained in this Book and The obligation that is on them. No one else recognizes the right and truth more than Thee


“Allaahumma be haqqe haazal Qur’an we be haqqe man arsaltahoo beh, Wa be haqqe kulle momenin madahtahoo feeh, we be haqqeka alaihim fa-laa ahada a’arafo be haqqeka mink”[3]

Note: There are no restrictions limiting the times of placing the holy Quran on top of our head. However, it is more recommended to do so during these holy Nights of Power (19th, 21st or 23rd or 27th night of Ramadan / or 15th night of Shaban).

For further information in this regards, please refer to the following answer:

Index: The sign of Laylatul Qadr, the Night of Power, answer 065.

Index: Definition of Dua, Means and Intercession, answer 148.

Index: Reciting Dua or Dikr in any language during the Prayer, answer 579.

[1] . Sheikh Hurr Ameli, Wasail al-Shia, Vol. 8, Pgs. 125-126; Sayid bin Tawoos, Radhi al-Din Ali, al- Al-Iqbāl bi l-aʿmāl al-hasanah, Vol. 1, Pg. 186-187.

[2] . Holy Qur’an (39:56).

[3] .Refer to:


Definition of Dua, Means and Intercession

Question 148: Sometimes when I’m looking up or finding dua’as to be said for special reasons, I get frustrated. I don’t get why shia dua’as are so different than Sunni dua’as. They aren’t including caliphates or anything, they are all just supplications to God. Like I was looking up dua’as to remove worry and anxiety. There was no common one between Sunni and Shias. The Sunni dua’as are said to be told by the Prophet (SWT) and some Shia dua’as are said to be done by the Imams (AS). Does it really matter if its a supplication just between you and Allah?

Answer 148: Dua or supplication is a relationship out of need between the servant and his lord, for worldly and otherworldly needs. Just like every other phenomenon, the answering of one’s supplication has conditions and formalities that when met and observed, will result in the answering of the dua, and in the case of the dua lacking them, or in the case of other barriers not allowing the dua to be answered that we aren’t aware of, even the best duas known for being answered quickly and certainly can be ineffective.

Means: When it comes to the meaning of ‘means’ in the holy verse “O you who believe! Fear Allah and seek means of nearness to Him” Allamah Tabatabai explains the term as such, “The reality of the means of nearness to Allah is to comply with demands of His path with knowledge and worship, pursuit of virtues and fulfillment of recommended acts. It is a sort of joining together, (i.e.) a spiritual joining which connects the slave with his master; there is no link that connects man with his Lord except the submissiveness of worship and veneration. Therefore, the means of nearness means ensuring the reality of veneration and turning the face of humility and poverty to His direction – therefore, Wasilah (means) in the above verse refers to the link that joins the servant to his Lord.

Intercession: The concept of imploring or interceding with the Prophet (SWT) or Imams (AS) or Allah’s saints is to make recourse to the high position of these great people because they are dear and near to God and if their intercession is sought, God will, for their sake, grant His servants the position of proximity.

We can’t bring the text of the duas here, but here we will only list them without mentioning their texts:

(1) The dua of Tawassul. (2) The dua of Faraj. (3) The dua of Ism A’dham. (4) The dua of Muqatil bin Suleyman from Imam Sajjad (AS). (5) A dua with the name of “Sari’ul-Ijabah” (which literally means ‘quickly answered’) by Imam Kadhim (AS) which reads, “اللهم انی اطعتک فی احب الاشیاء الیک و …”

(6) A dua from Imam Sadiq (AS); the imam (AS) says whosoever says “Ya Allah” (یا الله) ten times, will be told [by Allah (SWT)]: “Here I am! What is your wish?” (7) Imam Sadiq (AS) has been narrated saying: “Whosoever repeatedly says “Ya Rabb Ya Allah” until he runs out of breath, will be told: “Yes! What is your wish?!”

These duas have been mentioned in the book of Mafatihul-Jinan, under the title of “Quickly Answered Duas” or “Sari’ul-Ijabah Duas”.

It is said we can make dua without interceding with the Holy Prophet (SAWS) and the infallible Imams (AS) (i.e.) just between us and Allah (SWT).

How to make Dua: There are some conditions for one who wishes to make dua’a should observe, in order that Allah (SWT) will grant his\her dua as follows: things we ask God mustn’t be haram; recite salawat before and after each dua’a, we shouldn’t hurry up, so that Allah (SWT) grant our duas anytime He wants; all dua’as that are not in contrary with the Shia belief, are considered as valid.

We ought not to accept all Sunni dua’as nor to reject them. There is a rule which says those dua’as that aren’t in contrary to the Shia belief are accepted, whether or not it is narrated or not. This means, if it doesn’t include haram things and other conditions that have been mentioned above, there would be no problem to apply it.

For further information in this regards, please refer to the following answer and link:

Index: Evaluating the chain of narration of Dua Muqatil bin Sulaiman, answer 150.

Index: Reciting Dua or Dikr in any language during the Prayer, answer 579.

Index: Seeking one’s need from someone other than Allah, answer 005.

Index: Intercession and calling Imam Musa al Kadhim Bab al Hawaij, answer 159.


Evaluating the chain of narration of Dua Muqatil bin Sulaiman

Question 150: Is the saying authentic that reciting Dua Muqatil bin Sulaiman for 100 times is recommended for granting our wishes?

Answer 150: In the book Miṣbāḥ al-Kaf’amī the Du-A’a Ilaahee Kayfa Ad-O’oka (Dua muqatil bin sulaiman) has been narrated from Imam Sajjad (as), as follows: [1]

إِلَهِي كَيْفَ أَدْعُوكَ وَ أَنَا أَنَا وَ كَيْفَ أَقْطَعُ رَجَائِي مِنْكَ وَ أَنْتَ أَنْتَ إِلَهِي إِذَا لَمْ أَسْأَلْكَ فَتُعْطِيَنِي فَمَنْ ذَا الَّذِي أَسْأَلُهُ فَيُعْطِيَنِي إِلَهِي إِذَا لَمْ أدعوك [أَدْعُكَ] فَتَسْتَجِيبَ لِي فَمَنْ ذَا الَّذِي أَدْعُوهُ فَيَسْتَجِيبَ لِي إِلَهِي إِذَا لَمْ أَتَضَرَّعْ إِلَيْكَ فَتَرْحَمَنِي فَمَنْ ذَا الَّذِي أَتَضَرَّعُ إِلَيْهِ فَيَرْحَمَنِي إِلَهِي فَكَمَا فَلَقْتَ الْبَحْرَ لِمُوسَى عَلَيْهِ السَّلَامُ وَ نَجَّيْتَهُ أَسْأَلُكَ أَنْ تُصَلِّيَ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ أَنْ تُنَجِّيَنِي مِمَّا أَنَا فِيهِ وَ تُفَرِّجَ عَنِّي فَرَجاً عَاجِلًا غَيْرَ آجِلٍ بِفَضْلِكَ وَ رَحْمَتِكَ يَا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِينَ

Transliteration: Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Elaahi Kayfa Ad’ooka Wa Anaa Anaa Wa Kayfa Aqta-O’ Rajaaee Minka Wa Anta Anta Elaahi Iz Lam As-Aloka Fa-Too-Teenee Faman Zal-Lazee As-Alohu Fayo’teenee Elaahi Iz Lam Ad-Oo’ka Fa-Tastajeebo Lee Faman Zal Lazee Ad-Oo’ho Fa Yastajeebo Lee Elaahi Iz Lam Atazarra’ Elayka Fa Tarhamoni Faman Zal Lazee Atazarra-O’ Elayhe Fa Yarhamonee Elaahi Fakamaa Falaqtal Bahra Le Moosaa A’layhis Salaamo Wa Najjaytahu As-Aloka An Tosalle A’laa Mohammadin Wa Aale Mohammadin Wa An Tonajjeyanee Mimmaa Anaa Feehe Wa Tafarreja A’nnee Farajan A’aajelan Ghaira Aajelin Be Fazleka Wa Be Rahmateka Yaa Arhamar Raahemeen.

Translation: My God how can I call on You (for help) for I am me (a sinful servant)? How can I cut off hope from You, for You are You (the merciful lord)? My God (even) when I did not beseech You, You gave me. So who is he who gives, if I beseech him? My God (even) when I did not call out, You fulfilled my desire. So who is he who satisfies, if I call him? My God (even) when I did not humbly solicit, You took pity on me. So who is he who shows mercy, I’ll solicit him? My God I beseech You, that just as You parted as under the sea for Musa (pbuh) to save him, send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, and come to my rescue, and deliver me (from these troubles), and disperse (afflictions), and do it quickly, without delay, through Your kindness, through Your mercy, O the most merciful.

In his book Mafatih al-Jinan Sheikh Abbas Qummi (ra) said: In book Balad al-Amin, sheikh Kaf’ami quoted a Dua from Imam Zainul Abedin (as) and said that Muqatil bin Sulaiman narrated it from the Imam (as). He (Muqatil) also said that whoever recited it 100 times and his duas haven’t been granted, curse me (Muqatil).[2]

The followings are some issues we should take into consideration:

Kaf’ami has narrated this Dua by only mentioning this phrase: “مَرْوِيٌّ عَنْ عَلِيِّ بْنِ الْحُسَيْن” (meaning that it has narrated from Ali bin al-Hussain (as)).

– There hasn’t mentioned any name of Muqatil bin Sulaiman in this Dua nor how many times we are recommended to recite this Dua.

– As Muqatil bin Sulaiman died in the year 150 (A.H.), he was unable to directly narrate this Dua from Imam Sajjad (as).[3] He was one of the companions of Imam baqir (as) and Imam Sadiq (as).[4]

But, if we recite this Dua with the intention to get the reward from Allah, the Almighty and also as what Sheikh Abbas Qummi (ra) has narrated in Mafatih al-Jinan, our righteous wishes will be granted by Allah (SWT). In sha Allah.

[1] . Kaf’amī, Ebrahim bin Ali, al-Miṣbāḥ, Pg. 292-293, Qom, Dar al-Radi (Zahedi), second edition, 1405 A.H.

[2] . Qummi, Sheikh Abbas, Mafatih al-Jinan, Pg. 113, Qom, Osveh Publication.

[3] . Khayr alDīn Ziriklī, al-Aalam, Vol. 7, Pg. 281, Beirut, Dar al-Elm lil Malaeen, fiftieth edition, 2002.

[4] . Allamah hilli, Khuasat al-Aqwal, Pg. 260, Qom, Dar al-Zakhayer, 1411 A.h; hussaini Tafreshi, Sayyid Mustafa bin Hussain, Naqd al-Rijal, Vol. 4, Pg. 412, Qom, Aalul Bayt (pbuth) Institution, first edtion, 1418 A.H.