
Zakat and difference between Sayyid and non-Sayyid holms

Question 040: What is the relevance of differentiating between Sayed holms and Non-Sayyed holms. I have never seen or heard of it until recently? Is one supposed to pay more than the other? There were two holms boxes at Eid prayer. One for Non-Sayyed and the other for Sayyed. So, I wanna know about Zakat and difference between Sayyid and non-Sayyid holms?

Answer 040: The only difference is that, a person, who is not a Sayyid, cannot give fitra to a Sayyid, and if that Sayyid is his dependent, he cannot give to another Sayyid either.

Whoever is adult, sane and is neither unconscious, nor poor, nor the slave of another. He should give, on his own behalf, as well as on behalf of all those who are his dependents. Read More