
Disclose Unlawful Relations to a Potential Wife!

Question 053: Should a man disclose unlawful relations to whom he wants to get married? Is he allowed to lie in order to get rid of evil if she asks about his past relations?

Answer 053: Islam, however introduce the trustfulness and honesty as the biggest capital in a couple’s life and says that where there is honesty in a family, there is no ground for any misunderstanding and misconception and if a husband and wife want to betray or deceive each other and tell each other lies, then there is no way they can trust each other, but one mustn’t disclose his sins (small or big) to anyone. He must keep his secrets (regarding his sins) to himself. From Islam’s perspective the self-respect a person has for himself is so significant that he can only confess his sins before Allah in the sense of asking for forgiveness.

Not only will he not lose his respect but by confessing before Allah he will gain more. This is something solely restricted to Allah , for no other person even if he were to be a trustworthy person, is capable of returning one’s respect (that has been lost when he confesses to that person), let alone increasing it.

On top of that, based on the tawhidi (monotheistic) viewpoint in Islam the sole cause for everything in this world is Allah [1] and no one can do anything without his permission especially granting forgiveness and pardon which has not been assigned to any individual or character in Islam other than Allah (swt) himself.

In this regards, Imam Javad (as) says: If you come to know about the secrets of each other no one of you would bury one another. This means that after knowing your friends’ secrets you would fed up with them in a way that never bury their bodies.[1]

In order to avoid discrediting others and spreading prostitution no one is allowed to disclose his/her unlawful relations with others, according to Islam. One must only confess his/her mistakes and sins before Allah (SWT) and truly ask for His forgiveness, then Allah (SWT) will forgive him/her. In the holy Quran Allah (SWT) says: “Say: O My servants! who have acted extravagantly against their own souls, do not despair of the mercy of Allah Surely Allah forgives the faults altogether Surely He is the Forgiving, the Merciful”.[2]

Note: Once someone said in front of Imam Ali (as), “Astaghfirullah” (I ask Allah’s forgiveness), then Imam Ali (as) said, “Your mother may lose you! Do you know what ‘istighfar’ (asking Allah’s forgiveness) is?”[3]

‘Astighfar’ is meant for people of a high position. It is a word that stands on six meanings:

  1. To repent over the past.
  2. To make a firm determination never to revert to it.
  3. To discharge all the rights of the people so that you may meet Allah quite clean with nothing to account for.
  4. To fulfill every obligatory act which you ignored (in the past) so that you may now do justice with it.
  5. To aim at the flesh grown as a result of unlawful earning, so that you may melt it by grief (of repentance) till the skin touches the bone and a new flesh grows between them.[4]
  6. To make the body taste the pain of obedience as you (previously) made it taste the sweetness of disobedience. On such occasion you may say: ‘astaghfirullah’.[5]

For further information in this regards, please refer to the following answer:

Index:  Premarital relation with non-Mahram is impermissible, answer 082.

[1] لا مؤثر فی الوجود الا الله

[1] . Sheikh Sadouq, Muhammad bin Ali, Amali, Pg. 446, Aalami Publication, Beirut, 1400 A.H.

[2] . Surah al-Zumar, verse 53.

[3] . Biharul Anwar, Vol. 93, Pg. 285.

[4] . Adopted from answer 139 (Index: How to Repent from Sins (high on drug) committed in the month of Ramadan).

[5] . “الجنة محفوفة بالمکاره و جهنم محفوفة باللذات و الشهوات” Wasa’ilul-Shia, vol. 15, pg. 309, section 42 (the section that speaks of refraining from haram desires and pleasures).


The Secret of Prayer / Sirr us-Salat

Question 589: Salaam. I want to ask what the reason behind the every act of Namaz? What is the Secret of Prayer (Sirr us-Salat)?

Answer 589: Without doubt every divine ruling has its philosophy and reason, but we do not have to investigate every ruling and find its philosophy. A true Muslim must surrender before the message of revelation. This character of submission and acceptance creates perfection in the human being and essentially some rulings are obliged upon mankind to test and gage his level of obedience and faith. God’s command to Ibrahim (A.S.), to sacrifice his child Ismail, is a fine paradigm.

What you will realize in this brief response is that every Islamic ruling and worshipping code in Islam has its philosophy.

Firstly: because of hundreds of Quranic verses and hadith which encourage people to think and ponder.[1]

Secondly: one of the strongest criticisms of the Quran against mushriks and idol worshipers is that they blindly and unreasonably follow their ancestors.[2]

Thirdly: the Quran itself has mentioned rulings along with their philosophy.[3]

The infallible imams have attended to disclosing these secrets in the traditions received from them and Muslim scholars have written books on these secrets and philosophies.

In light of these points one must add:

  1. It isn’t indispensible that all people in all times know of all of these philosophies.
  2. We must be aware not to solely perceive the philosophy of Islamic rulings as material and worldly benefits and simply focus on the financial, sanitarian, etc., facets and neglect the spiritual and moral effects.
  3. One who believes that God is wise and obliges his rulings upon mankind accordingly, should not look for reasons and explanations and rely on the wisdom of his lord. However, reasons and philosophies have been mentioned regarding prayer, some of its essentials (arkan), details and recitations such as intention (niyyat), tashahud, ruku’, sujud, salam, etc. Here, we will point out a few examples.

Prayer Prohibits Evil

The Quran says: Prayer prohibits from evil and vice.[4]

Prayer and Effacing Negligence

In another section we read: Keep up prayer for My remembrance.[5]

Prayer and Tranquility

It also reads: By Allah’s remembrance are the hearts set at rest.[6]

Battle Against Pride and Arrogance

Prayer, which is the remembrance of the source of every greatness and appeal to the center of power and greatness, eliminates self pride and arrogance. In other words, prayer shatters pride and arrogance; because one who prays seventeen raka’ts of prayer in a 24 hour time span and places his forehead on the ground in humbleness in every raka’t, perceives himself as a tiny creature before his lord and tears open apart the veil of being self-conceit. This is why, after faith, Imam Ali (A.S.) describes the first and most important worship with this same goal, to be prayer: Allah has obliged faith to cleanse man from uncertainty and prayer for cleansing him from arrogance.[7]

Developing the Habit of Punctuality and Organization

Prayer develops the habit of punctuality; because this ritual must be done in certain times and performing it earlier or postponing it will invalidate it. The same goes for other parts of the prayer such as, intention, qiyam, ruku’, sujud, qu’ud. etc., which facilitate the tendency to be punctual and organized in other aspects of life.

Remembrance of Resurrection

One who prays remembers the hereafter and its greatness when reciting “Master of the Day of Judgment”. It reminds him that there is a world other than this one which is the result and manifestation of our actions and deeds in this world.

Expressing Love to the Good and Disassociation and Aloofness from Evil

Expressing love to the good and disassociation and aloofness from evil is one of the philosophies of reciting the verses of the holy surah of Al-Hamd. One who prays and recites “ایاک نعبد و ایاک نستعین، اهدنا الصراط المستقیم صراط الذین انعمت علیهم”, is seeking the friendship and closeness of God Almighty, the Prophets, the right doers, martyrs and the righteous and moves to their side and by saying “غیر المغضوب علیهم و لاالضالین”, distances himself from the mislead and deviated.

In the end we must point out that: the reason for the obligation of prayer is the remembrance of and admitting to Allah being our lord, battling with shirk and idol worshipping, standing before Allah in humbleness, admitting to our sins and asking for forgiveness and placing the forehead before Allah and His glory. Some of the other main reasons for praying are to be constantly aware, not allow negligence to takeover, become proud of oneself and self-conceit, humbleness and for our blessings to blossom.[8]

These were some of the Quranic verses and ahadith which unveil some of the secrets and philosophies of prayer.

Before concluding it is necessary point out that numerous books and articles have been written about the secrets and philosophies of prayer by different authors and Shiite scholars.[9]

Sources for further research:

Ilal al-Sharaye’, Sheikh Saduq

Sirr al-Salah and Ādāb al-Salah, Imam Khomeini

A Glimpse at the Philosophy of Prayer, Mohsen Qara’ati

For further information on this issue, please refer to the following sources:

The Secret of Prayer, Sirr us-Salat, by Imam Khomeini (ra). (PDF version)

Ilal al-Sharaye’, Sheikh Saduq

A Glimpse at the Philosophy of Prayer, Mohsen Qara’ati

[1] Nahl:44; Aal Imran:191.

[2] A’raf:173.

[3] Ankabut:45; Baqarah:183.

[4] Ankabut:45.

[5] Taha:14.

[6] Ra’d:24.

[7] Nahjul-Balaghah, saying 252. “وَ قَالَ (ع) فَرَضَ اللَّهُ الْإِيمَانَ تَطْهِيراً مِنَ الشِّرْكِ وَ الصَّلَاةَ تَنْزِيهاً عَنِ الْكِبْر”.

[8] Sheikh Saduq, Man la Yahduruhu al-Faqih, vol. 1, pg. 214, Jame’eye Mudarresin, Qum, second edition, 1404 AH; Sheikh Saduq, Ilal al-Sharaye’, vol. 2, pg. 317, Davari, Qum, first edition, “إنّ علة الصلاة أنها إقرار بالرّبوبية للّه عزّ و جلّ، و خلع الأنداد و قيام بين يدي الجبّار جلّ جلاله بالذّلة و المسكنة و الخضوع و الاعتراف، و الطّلب للإقالة من سالف الذّنوب، و وضع الوجه على الأرض كلّ يوم إعظاما للّه جلّ جلاله و أن يكون ذاكرا غير ناس و لا بطر.و يكون خاشعا متذلّلا راغبا طالبا للزيادة في الدّين و الدنيا مع ما فيه من الإيجاب، و المداومة على ذكر اللّه عزّ و جل باللّيل و النهار و لئلّا ينسى العبد سيّده و مدبّره و خالقه، فيبطر و يطغى و يكون ذلك في ذكره لربّه عزّ و جلّ، و قيامه بين يدي”.

[9] . Adopted from answer 13873 IQ.