
What happened to Zuljanah in Karbala?

Question 166: What happened to Imam Hussein’s horse (Zuljanah) in Karbala?

Answer 166: The writers of books on what happened on Ashura (these books are referred to as ‘maqatil’) have not mentioned much about what happened to Zuljanah. What is mentioned is that he made his mane bloody with the blood of the Imam and returned to the tents neighing very highly.[1]

When the household of the Imam heard Zuljanah they came out of the tents and found out that the Imam had been martyred.[2] But, some of the later maghatel like Nasekhul-Tawarikh have extended saying that Zuljanah banged his head to the ground so much that he died[3], some say that Zuljanah had been killed before the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as) and Imam himself fought against Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad till has been martyred[4] or that Zuljanah threw himself in the Furat (the river in Karbala that Imam Hussain was denied water from).[5]

For further information in this regards, please refer to the following answer:

Index: Every day is Ashura and Every Place is Karbala, answer 071.

Index: The Wedding of Hadrat Qasim in Karbala on the Day of Ashura, answer 605.

Index: Enemies killed by Imam Hussain (as) in Karbala on the Day of Ashura, answer 598.

[1] . Biharul Anwar, Majlesi, Vol. 44, Pg. 321, A.H. 1404.

[2] . Qummi, Muntaha al-Amaal, Vol. 2, Pg. 910.

[3] . Ibid, Pg. 909.

[4] . Refer to: Tahqiq wa Pegouhish dar Tarikh Zendegani Imam Hussain (as), Pg. 684.

[5] . The ziyarah of Nahiyah Muqaddasah; Amaliyy of Sheikh Saduq, pg. 163; Mirza Muhammad Taqi Sepehri, Nasekhul-Tawarikh, vol. 6, pg. 2.


Zayd ibn Ali the brother of Imam Baqir according to Shia

Question 056: What is the Ithna Ashari view on Zayd Ibn Ali, brother of Imam Baqir?

Answer 056: According to Sheikh Mofid (r.a), Zayd ibn Ali ibn al-Hussain was the son of Imam Sajjad (a.s), the grandson of Imam Hussain ibn Ali (as), and great-grandson of Imam Ali (as). Zayd was born in Medina in 695 and martyred in Kufa.[1] He was one of the greatest figures and prominent personalities among his brothers after Imam Baqir (a.s), in the School of Ahlulbayt (a.s) and the entirety of the Islamic world.

He was very pious, jurisprudential, generous and brave. He rose with the intention of directing others to enjoin what is lawful and forbid what is unlawful.

He also intended to take revenge on those who killed his grandfather Imam Hussain ibn Ali (a.s). The reason he was called Halif al-Qur’an, was because he was so well acquainted with and continuously recited the Holy Qur’an.[2] Zayd al-Shahid, Zayd the martyr was his another title, because he was martyred in an uprising against tyranny.[3]

Imam Sadiq (a.s) said such things as: “May Allah (swt) bless my uncle”. Imam Ridha (a.s) said such things as: “Zayd ibn Ali was one of the great scholars of the Ahlulbayt (a.s)”.

He was angered for pleasure of Allah (swt), fought in holy war against enemies of Allah (swt) and was martyred in the way of Allah (swt).[4]

[1] . ‘Umraji, al-Hayat al-Siyasat wa al-Fikriyyat Lil Zaydiyyat fee al-Mashriq al-Islami, Pg. 30; Saberi, Tarikh Firaq Islami, Vol. 2, Pg. 64.

[2] .Ibid, Pg. 43; Esfahani, Maqatil al-Talebin, Pg. 127.

[3] . Maqatil al-Talebin, Pg. 127.

[4] . Ahmad bin Ali ibn al-Hussain, (birth 288 A.H), Omdatul Mataleb, Pg. 255. Uyūn akhbār al-Riḍā (Arabic: عیون اخبار الرضا), Vol. 1, chapter 25, Pg. 248. Allamah Tabatabaee, Shia in Islam, Pg. 66.


The Wedding of Hazrat Qasim in Karbala on Ashura

Question 605: A’salamu Alaikum. I was wondering if you could shed some light on this matter. Is it true that Imam Hussain (as) recited the nikkah of hazrat Qasim (as) to one of His daughters on the day of ashura? I don’t know what to believe as i have only heard this  by people,i have never read this anywhere. Can someone send me a link or give me a quote from a reliable book? In our country it has become ritual and custom to have Mehdi and henna! What is the Shia point of view about the wedding of Hazrat Qasim bin al-Hasan in Karbala on the day of Ashura?

khuda hafiz

Answer 605: The event of ‘Ashura’ has been subject to tahrif (distortions) an instance of which is the concocted story of the wedding of Hadrat Qasim, a story which has not been mentioned in any reliable book of history not to mention the fact that such a thing is not rationally possible because, firstly, Qasim was not more than thirteen years old on the day of Ashura and he had not attained the age of puberty. Secondly, the wedding could not have taken place because Imam Hussein (as) and his companions were surrounded by their enemies and a pitched battle was going on. Moreover, Imam Hussein (as) attached great importance to fulfilling his divine duty against his cunning enemies such as the Banu Umayyads. Therefore, the story of the wedding of Qasim is a fabricated and unacceptable story according to Shia researchers.  Below we will mention the viewpoints of some those researchers:

  1. Hajji Mirza Husayn Nuri, the author of Mustadrak al-Wasail, writes in a famous work he has authored about the manners of the speakers or preachers who preach on the pulpits: “One of the derogatory and factitious reports which prominent scholars have not heeded or referred to is the story of Za’far the Jinn and the wedding of Qasim mentioned in a well-known book called Rawdat al-shuhada’ by Mulla Husayn Kashifi. The wedding story has not been mentioned in any books before Rawdat al-shuhada from the time Shaykh Mufid until this book had been published. How could an event so great and a story so tangible be not observed by scholars over this period of time?[1]
  2. The great narrator Shaykh Abbas Qummi has reiterated that the story of the wedding of Qasim in Karbala and the marriage of Fatima bint al-Hussein with him is not valid. In addition, Imam Hussein (as) had two daughters, one named Sakina (sa) and another Fatima (as). The first was married out to Abdullah who was martyred in Karbala and the second was married to Hasan Muthanna who was also present in Karbala.[2]
  3. Martyr Ayatollah Qazi Tabatabai considers the story of the wedding of Qasim as invalid. He quotes Allamah Mamqani as having said in his Tanqih al-Maqal: Other researchers and I could not find anything in historical and biographical sources to confirm the authenticity of what has been alleged inTurayhi’s book about the story of the marriage of Qasim. It is very unlikely that such an incident should have taken place on the day of Ashura keeping in view the difficult and extremely dangerous conditions and the calamities that followed. It seems that a mistake has taken place in regards to the wedding of Qasim who had not reached the age of puberty by then. It is indeed the story of the wedding of Hasan Muthanna (the Second) that has become known in such a way on the tongues of people.[3]
  4. Martyr Ayatollah Murteza Mutahhari says in this regard: “As you know, in the heat of the battle on the day of ‘Ashura’, the Imam offered his prayers hurriedly in the form of salat al-khawf[4] and there was no respite even to offer full prayers. In fact, two of the companions of the Imam came to stand in front of him to shield the Imam (against the arrows) so that he may offer two rak’ahs of the salat al-khawf. The two of them fell from the injuries inflicted under the shower of the arrows. The enemy would not even give respite for offering prayers. Nevertheless, they have concocted a story that the Imam called for a wedding ceremony on this day, declaring, ‘It is my wish to see one of my daughter wedded to Qasim.’ Obviously, one cannot take one’s wishes to one’s grave.  …. And this is said to have occurred at a time when there was hardly any respite even for offering prayers. They say that the Hadrat said, ‘I want to wed my daughter to my nephew here and now, even if it is just an appearance of a wedding.’ One of the things that was an inseparable part of our traditional ta’ziyahs was the wedding of Qasim, the boy bridegroom. Such an episode is not mentioned in any reliable book of history.”[5]

[1] Lu’lu’ wa Marjan, Mirza Hussein Nuri, p. 193.

[2] Muntaha al-Amal, Shaykh Abbas Qummi, vol.1, p. 70.

[3]  Research about the first Arba’ein of the Chief of Martyrs by Shahid Qazi.

[4]  The Shari’ah stipulates certain modifications in the obligatory salat, the daily ritual prayers, when offered in conditions of war and danger of the enemy’s attack. The salat thus offered is referred to as salat al-khawf; (see the Quran, 4:101).

[5] – Ashura: Misrepresentations and Distortions (Hamasa Hussaini), Murteza Mutahhari, vol.1, p. 27-28; See: Guli Zawareh, Ghulam Reza, Qasim bin Hasan (as), the Role Model for Adolescents, 209, May 1999; Adopted from answer 11430 IQ.


Enemies killed by Imam Hussain (as) in Karbala on the Day of Ashura

Question 598: Salam. How many zio-Muslim pagans from the army of satan (yazeed son of Moawia) were sent to hell by Imam Hussain a.s before embracing martyrdom? How many Enemies killed by Imam Hussain (as) in Karbala on the Day of Ashura?

Answer 598: Some narrators said: when Imam Hussain became alone on the Day of Ashura, we, the narrators swore  by Allah that there was no one braver than him, because his children, families and companions have been killed, but when the enemies attacked Him He attacked them all too. He himself attacked the whole enemies in a way that they were all running away from Him like locust, He then came back to his military base saying: La Hawla wa la Quwwata illa billah al-Ali al-Adhim. Read More


Ziyarat Ghusl: Performing Ghusl for the Ziyarat of Masoomin (as)

Question 596: In terms of ablution, is it then mandatory to do Ziyarat Ghusl or tayammum before entering sacred places or doing salat?

Answer 596: The Fuqaha have mentioned many more Mustahab Ghusls, one of which is Ghusl for the Ziyarat of the Masoomen (A.S.)

The followings are some fatawa of our maraja regarding visiting the holy Shrines of our Infallible Imams (pbuth).

Imam Khomeini (ra): You are supposed to perform Ghusl for the Ziyarat of the holy Shrines of the Imams (as) with the Niyyat of ‘Raja’.

Sayyid Sistani (ha): Performing Ghusl for the Ziyarat of Masoomin (as) has not proved as a Mustahab act, but if one wants to do it, he/she should, as a precaution, perform it with the Niyyat of ‘Raja’, (i.e. with a hope that it might be a desirable act).

Makarem Shirazi (ha), Safi Golpayegani (ha) and the late Bahjat (ra): It is mustahab to perform Ghusl for Ziyarat of Masoomin (as).[1]

Note: If you want to offer the five daily obligatory prayers you have to perform Wudu first. And if there is a barrier preventing water from reaching it you would be allowed to perform Tayammum instead of Wudu or Ghusl.

For further information in this regards, please read the following answers:

Index:  Impermissibility of making Wudu after Ghusl, answer 035.

Index: The validity of Ghusl even a barrier finds out after a week, answer 031.

Index: Number of things which invalidate Wudu (ablution), answer 556.

[1] . Risalah Tawzih al-Masael of Nine Marja, edited by Rashedi, Haaj Sheikh Latif, Pgs. 367-368, under issue 645, Payam Edalat Publication, Omidvar Publisher, first edition; The official website of the office of grand Ayatollah Saafi Golpayegani, Q&A section, Fiqhi questions, Mustahab prayer, q 374.


The exact date on birth or Martyrdom of Lady Fatima and Infallibles

Question 254: I am having a query that we people do not know the exact date of our imams birthday or martyr as we knew imam al Mahdi (.a.s) is present? Example, the exact date on birth or Martyrdom of Lady Fatima (sa)?

Answer 254: There have been many different reasons why we Shia don’t have an exact date of the martyrdom or birth of our Infallibles (pbuth) as follows:

People didn’t narrate the historical events during the times of our Infallibles (pbuh) as we do, now.  Due to lack of facilities, they didn’t keep such important issues on book or text to be transferred to the next generations. Narrating historical events were verbally at that times. Obviously, no one can claim that all of these narrators were immune to mistakes even about the date of birth of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) as we see different opinions in this regards. The people didn’t also record the date of birth of their children.

Given to the fact that knowing the exact date of martyrdom or birth of our Infallibles (pbuth) was more important according to Shia narrators, most of scholars of this filed have been mentioned a solution by which people can understand it easily. They have been determined a date for such events based on the authenticity attained by scientific researches.

There has been mentioned different opinions about how long has the Lady Fatimah (sa) been alive after the demise of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in Hadithic or historical books. Some say it was forty days and others mentioned six months.[1]

According to Shia, the most authentic tradition in which mentioned the exact date of martyrdom of Lady Fatimah (sa) is a hadith narrated from Imam Sadiq (as) as He has said: Indeed, the date of martyrdom of Seddiqah Kubra (sa) is three months after the  demise of the holy Prophet (pbuh).[2]

According to Tabarsi (ra) Hadhrat Seddiqah Tahirah (sa) has passed away in Jumada al-Akhira in the eleventh year of the hegira. She had lived 95 days after the demise of the holy Prophet (pbuh).[3]

In his book Dalael al-Imamah Late Tabari narrated a hadith from Imam Sadiq as He has said: Lady Fatima Zahra (sa) has passed away on Tuesday in the month of Jumada al-Akhira, in the eleventh year of the hegira.[4]

Most of shia scholars including Sayyid bin Tawoos have accepted these above mentioned ahatith as authentic.[5]

There is another sahih hadith narrated by Late Kuleini from Imam Sadiq (as) as He has said: Indeed, Lady Fatima (sa) were alive seventy five days after her beloved Father (pbuh).[6]

Probably, the reason why some of scholars say it was ninety five days and others say seventy five days after the Prophet’s (pbuh) death is that the punctuation wasn’t prevalent at that time. Taking the following words into consideration can confirm the reason.

If we delete the spot of the letter “B” in the word “sab­’ôn” (seventy) and add two spots above the first letter of the word it would be pronounced “Tes­’ôn” (ninety).

Arabic version:

«خمسه و سبعون» با «خمسه تسعون»

Note: According to great Shia scholars, the most authentic date of martyrdom of Lady Fatima Zahra (sa) is ninety five days after the Prophet’s (pbuh) death.[7]

[1] . Majlesi, Muhammad Baqir, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 43, Pg. 189, H 19.

[2] . Abul Faraj Esfehani, Maqatel al-Talebin, researcher: Saqar, Sayyid Ahmad, Pgs. 59 and 60, Dar al-Marefat, Beirut, Bita.

[3] . Tabarsi, Fadl bin Hasan, Aalam al-Wara bi Aalam al-Huda, Vol. 1, Pg. 300, Aalul Bayt Institution, Qom, first edition, 1417 A.H.

[4] . Tabari, Muhammad bin Jurayr bin Rostam, Dalael al-Imama, Pg. 79, Be’that, Qom, first edition, 1413 A.H.

[5] . Ibn Tawoos, Ali bin Musa, al-Iqbal bi al-Aamal al-Hasana fima Ya’mal Marrat-an fi al-Sunna, researcher and editor: Qayoumi Esfahani, Jawad, Vol. 3, Pgs. 160-161, Daftar Tablighat Islami, Qom, first edition.

[6] . Al-Kafi, Vol. 1, Pg. 458, H 1.

[7] . Adopted from answer 8086.


The Wilayah of Imam Ali (as) in Ghadir Khumm

Question 470: Did the Holy Prophet (s) mean political authority or religious and mystical authority (Wilayah) in the event of Ghadir Khumm?

Answer 470:  According to Shiites, there is no doubt that the Wilayah (guardianship/authority) of the Commander of the Faithful that was announced and stressed by the Holy Prophet (s) in the event of Ghadir and on many other occasions before and after Ghadir[1] includes all the cases where the Messenger of Allah (s) maintained wilayah (authority). Considering that the Prophet (s) established and led a government, we entertain no doubt that political authority or discretion over political affairs was one of the main aspects of his authority. Read More


The number of soldiers who came to Karbala to fight against Imam Hussain (as)

Question 568: Dear Scholars. We have varying numbers relating to the forces in Yazids (la) army in the battle of Karbala. Tabari mentions 1000 troops under the regiment of Hur and 4000 under Umar ibn Sa’ad and therefore 5000 in total. What is a more authentic account?

Salaams and duas

Answer 568: Umar bin Saad was the commander in charge of Yazids army. Although, records differ as to the number of soldiers who came to Karbaa to fight against Imam Hussain (as), but, according to the most reliable sources, they were 30 thousand people. The two following hadith support this idea. Read More


Authenticity of traditions of the emergence of Dajjal from Isbahan

Question 488: I have often heard bakri kuffar claim that the dajjal (LA) will be aided by Jews from Isfahan wearing shawls. Many Shia Ulama claim this is untrue. Can you prove it to be wrong? Provide all kinds of evidence t disprove it’s authenticity

Answer 488: One of the signs of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (as)[1] is the coming of the “Dajjal”.  According to Arabic literature experts, any liar and trickster can be called a dajjal.

Different unusual traits have been related to him in hadiths (in which are mostly found in Sunni sources), namely: he falsely claims his lordship[2], is high in age[3], along with him is fire and water[4], he cures the blind and those suffering from leprosy[5].

As for who the dajjal really is, one can’t reach a definite conclusion, but in a nutshell, it can be said there are several possibilities regarding this matter:

1) The dajjal is a true person that does extraordinary things using witchcraft and magic that will appear at the end of time.  He will be the head of a great trouble-making that will take place for all of mankind.  As the literal meaning of dajjal suggests, he is a user of witchcraft and a trouble-making individual with many materialistic facilities and capabilities.  Some hadiths name him “the messiah of misguidance” which is the opposite of “the messiah of guidance”, meaning Prophet Isa (pbuh).

During the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (as), he will begin to work against him.  He is of those who have long lives and is and will remain alive until the day he appears.  He will take over the whole world expect for Makkah (Mecca) and Madinah (Medina).[6]

2) Iblis or Satan is the dajjal.

3) The Sufyani  is the dajjal.

4) The dajjal has a symbolic and secret side to it (and isn’t a true person):

“The dajjal symbolizes the highest levels of civilization, culture and Western technology that are in conflict with Islam and its principles; a culture that tries to conquer and enslave all.  We can clearly see today how the West’s materialist culture and technology has taken over all societies today, even Muslim ones…”[7]

Is it true that Dajjal will emerge from Esfahan?

The following are some traditions narrated in this regards we need to evaluate if they are accurate or not?

First traditions: Dajjal will emerge from Jews people of Isbahan (one of the Esfahan’s villages) in a way that seventy thousands of Jews will support it.[8]

Arabic version:

یخرج الدجال من یهودیه اصبهان معه سبعون الفا من الیهود علیهم التیجان.

حَدَّثَنَا مَنْصُورُ بْنُ أَبِي مُزَاحِمٍ، حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى بْنُ حَمْزَةَ، عَنِ الْأَوْزَاعِيِّ، عَنْ إِسْحَاقَ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللهِ، عَنْ عَمِّهِ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ: «يَتْبَعُ الدَّجَّالَ مِنْ يَهُودِ أَصْبَهَانَ، سَبْعُونَ أَلْفًا عَلَيْهِمُ الطَّيَالِسَةُ». [9]

Evaluation: This hadith hasn’t been mentioned in Shia sources. It is just narrated (by Anas bin Malik) from the Holy Prophet (pbuh). In his musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal is the first person from ahlul sunna that quoted this hadith.[10] It is also narrated by Ibn Hamad who was in jail with Ahmad, but He didn’t attributed to the holy Prophet (pbuh).[11] Also, Ibn Hamad quoted from Yahya bin Saeed al-Attar from Salman bin Eisa this following hadith: Dajjal will emerge from an Island of which is located in the sea in Isbahan!

Esfahan hasn’t any sea to say there is an island. According to Shia and Sunni, ibn Hamad is a weak narrator that all of his works are not reliable.

The same hadith also mentioned in Musnad abi Ya’la.[12]

In Mojam Awsat, Tabarani quoted this hadith from Awzaee from Rabiah from Anas bin Malik. Awzaee was a person whom is not reliable.

This hadith is also mentioned in Mustadrak Hakim[13], history of Damascus City (Vol. 38, Pg. 10), Ibn Kathir (Vol. 1, Pg. 122). They all mentioned that this hadith is narrated by Ahmad whom is weak.

Some sunni also narrated this hadith without mentioning any Shia sources.

In Mojam al-Boldan Hamoodi explained the place where dajjal will emerge from as follows:

Isbahan is a city for Esfahan where Jey was the first city center. When Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem he captured the people of Jerusalem and took the Jews people of Jerusalem with him to Esfahan dwelled them in a place beside Jey (Esfahan city center) named it Judaea. [14]

Note: Hamoodi was a NasibiThis tradition hasn’t been mentioned in any Shia sources. Considering this issue that we approve this hadith, but it impossible that seventy thousands of Jews people live in a village. Because, most of people who live in Esfahan are Shia Muslims. Therefore, Esfahan is not the seat of Jews government.

Second tradition: Dajjal will emerge from Esfahan from a village known as Judaea.[15]

Evaluation: This hadith quoted by a narrator named Nazal bin Sabrah that his name has never mentioned in any Shia Rijali books. He is also unknown, however he has praised in Sunni sources.

Third tradition: The commander of the faithful, Imam Ali (as) was busy delivering a sermon when he repeated three times: “Ask me (all that you need) before you lose me.”  A righteous individual by the name of Sa’sa’ah ibn Sawhan stood up and asked: “Oh commander of the faithful!  Who is the Dajjal?”

In response to this question, Imam Ali (as) replied: “Be aware that the (name) of the dajjal is Sa’ed ibnul-Sa’ed.  The unfortunate one is he who acknowledges and accepts him, and the fortunate being the one who rejects him.  He will emerge from a place called “Isbahan”, from an area which is known to be the area of the Jews.  His right eye is shut, bearing no eyeball.

His other eye is in his forehead, shining so brightly that it resembles the morning star in brightness.  In his eye there is a piece of meat that seems to have mixed with some blood and on his forehead, in between the two eyes, it has been written “Kafir” in a way that every literate and illiterate person can read.  He travels over the oceans and the sun accompanies him.  In front of him, there is a mountain of smoke and behind him there is a white one that people perceive to be food.  He will appear during a very hard drought.  He will be riding a dark or green donkey.  Every step this donkey takes is equal to one mil (mile).  He will travel and go here and there on earth.  Every water source or spring that he crosses will turn and remain dry till the Day of Judgment.  He will shout with a voice heard by all in the East and the West saying: “Come to me, Oh friends and followers of mine!”  I (am a God) who has created, who has created the faces, has measured every persons portion (of sustenance), and is your guide.  I am the exalted Lord!”  He is a liar!  He is Allah’s (swt) enemy…and in the end he will eventually be killed by the one Isa (pbuh) prays behind (Imam Mahdi (as))”.[16]

Evaluation: The hadith is weak! Because, the one who narrated it from Imam Ali (as) is unknown.

Forth tradition: Dajjal will emerge from Isbahan.[17] This tradition mentioned in Tabarani from Muhammd bin Hayat al-Jawhari al-Ahwazi from Muhammad bin Mansoor al-Nahwi al-Ahwazi from Abu Hammam Muhammad bin al-Zabarqan, Thana Younis bin Abid from al-Hasan (Hasan Basri) from Omran bin Hasin that the Holy Prophet  (pbuh) has said this hadith.[18]

Evaluation: This above hadith has some problems in its Sanad even according to Ahlul Sunna. Also, this tradition has not mentioned in any shia sources.

Fifth tradition: When Imam Mahdi (ajtf) appeared He will be received an information that Dajjal emerged from Isbahan. According to this tradition, Dajjal cannot be a sign for His reappearance as Dajjal will emerge after Imam Mahdi (ajtf).[19]

Arabic version of this hadith is as follows:

خرج المهدي إلى بلاد الروم، وجيشه مائة ألف فيدعو ملك الروم إلى الايمان فيأبى فيقتتلان شهرين فينصر الله تعالى المهدي… يفتح رومية بأربع تكبيرات ويقتل بها ستمائة ألف ويستخرج منها حلي بيت المقدس، والتابوت الذي فيه السكينة، ومائدة بني إسرائيل، ورضاضة الألواح، وحلة آدم وعصي موسي، ومنبر سليمان، وقفيزين من المن الذي أنزل الله عز وجل على بني إسرائيل أشد بياضا من اللبن، ثم يأتي بالمدينة (كذا) يقال لها القاطع طولها ألف ميل وعرضها خمسمائة ميل ولها ستون وثلاث مائة باب يخرج من كل باب مئة ألف مقاتل، فيكبرون عليها أربع تكبيرات فيسقط حائطها فيغنمون ما فيها، ثم يقيمون فيها سبع سنين ثم ينتقلون منها إلى بيت المقدس، فيبلغهم أن الدجال قد خرج في يهود أصبهان

Evaluation: This hadith hasn’t also been mentioned in any Shia sources.

From where Dajjal will emerge: There are some different opinions about it. Some say Dajjall will emerge from Esfahan, some say from Bajestan (Sistan), Iraq, Balkh and others say Khorasan.[20]

In Bihar al-Anwar Allamah Majlesi narrated a hadith from Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) in which He has said: Dajjal will emerge from Balkh.[21]

Ibn al-Razzaq quoted a tradition from Kaab al-Akhbar that Dajjal will emerge from Iraq.[22]

In Muntakhab al-Athar Ayatollah Safi Golpayegani said: Dajjal will emerge from Bajestan (Sistan).[23]

According to Saeed Ayyoub, Dajjal will emerge from Israel.[24]

Arabic version of this hadith is as follows:

يقاتل بقيتکم المسيح الدجال علي نهر الاردن أنتم شرقي و هم غرب

[1] Of course this sign has been counted as one of the signs of the Day of Judgement (Sunan Tirmidi, vol.4, pp.507-519; Sunan Abi-Dawud, vol.4, pg.115; Sahih Muslim, vol.18, pp.46 and 81), yet in Shia hadith sources it has been counted as one of the signs of the nearness of the Day of Judgment (Biharul-Anwar, vol.6, pg.296, chapter 1 (The signs of the hour (Day of Judgment) and the story of Ya’juj) and also the signs of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (as).  There is no problem in this sign being both the sign of the Day of Judgment and the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (as), because his reappearance is one of the signs of the end of time and the Day of Judgment.

[2] Sunan Ibn Majah, vol.2, pg. 1360.

[3] Sahih Muslim, vol.8, pg. 205.

[4] Sahih Bukhari, vol.8, pg. 103.

[5] Musnad Ahmad, vol.5, pg. 13.

[6] Al-Faqih, vol.2, pg. 564, the chapter on the respect and virtue of Medinah; Tahdhib, vol.6, pg. 12, chapter 5, The respect and virtue of Medinah.

[7] Seyyid Muhammad Sadiq, Tarikh ma badal-Dhuhur, pp. 141 and 142.  Quoted and obtained from: Ali Asghar Rizvani, Maw’ud Shenasi, pg. 533.

[8] Mojam Ahadith al-Imam al-Mahdi (ajtf), Vol. 2, Pg. 96.

[9] Qashiri Neishaboori, Muslim bin al-Hajjaj, al-Musnad al-Sahih, al-Mokhtasar, researcher Abdul Baqi, Muhammad Foad. Vol. 4, Pg. 2266, Dar o Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi, Beirut, Bita.

[10] Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Vol. 3, Pg. 224.

[11] Vol. 2, Pg. 533, H 1509.

[12] Musnad abi Ya’la, Vol. 6, Pgs. 317-318, H 3639.

[13] Mustadrak Hakim, Vol. 4, Pg. 528.

[14] Yaqut Hamoodi, Mojam al-Boldan, Vol. 1, Pg. 206.

[15] Kamal al-Din wa Tamam al-Ne’mat, Sheikh Saduq, Pgs. 526-527.

[16] Lotfollah Safi, Muntakhabul-Athar, Chapter 3, pg. 532, hadith 8.

In some hadiths it has been stated that he will eventually be killed by Prophet Isa (pbuh) (Biharul-Anwar, vol.14, pg.348, chapter 24) or it has been stated that he will be killed by Prophet Isa (pbuh) at a gate in Sham.  For further information, see: Biharul-Anwar, vol.52, pp. 193 and 209; Kamaluddin, 525 and 526; Kashful-Ghummah, vol.3, pg.281; Al-Masa’ilul-Ashr, printed in the works of Sheikh Tusi, vol.3, pg. 122; Irshad, vol.2, pg. 371; Kanzul-Ummal, vol.14, pp. 198-200.

Of course, there is no conflict between these two statements that Prophet Isa (pbuh) is one of those who takes orders from Imam Mahdi (as) and one can relate the doing of a soldier to his commander.

[17] Mojam Ahdith al-Imam al-Mahdi (ajtf), Vol. 2, Pg. 61.

[18] Tabarani, al-Awsat, Alaa maa fee Majma al-Zawaed; Majma al-Zawaed, Vol. 7, Pg. 339 from al-Tabarani fee al-Awsat;  Kanzul ummal, Vol. 14, Pg. 327, H 38823 from tabarani in al-Kabir.

[19] Al-Qawl al-Mokhtasar, Ibn Hajar Heitami, Pg. 14, H 61;  Mojam Ahadith al-Imam al-Mahdi (ajtf), Vol. 2, Pg. 141. This hadith mentioned in Al-Etr al-Wardi, Pg. 68 from al-Hadiyyatal Nadiyyah.

[20] . al-Malahim wa al-Fitan, Pg. 126.

[21] . Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 52, Pg. 190-194.

[22] . Musannaf ibn al-Razzaq, Vol. 11, Pg. 396.

[23] . Muntakhab al-A’thar, Pg. 425.

[24] . Aqidat al-Masih al-Dajjal fee al-Adyan, Saeed Ayyoub, Pgs. 279-280.


A Study of Al-Bayan, Iftikhariyah and Tatanjiyah Sermons attributed to Imam Ali (as)

Question 569: Agha! Are al-Bayan, al-Iftikhariya and Al-Tatanjiya sermons imputed to Mola Ali A.s which are found in Mashariq al-Anwar of Shaykh Rajab Borsi, are authentic? What are their health of authentication in regards of Ayatollah Sistani and the rest of mujtahideen? what is the take of Shariyah on them?

Answer 569: There are many sermons attributed to Imam Ali (as) mentioned in traditional and historical sources. But, they haven’t been mentioned in Nahj al-Balaghah.

Al-Bayan Sermon: Khutbatul Bayan or Iftikhar Sermon is one of them attributed to the Imam (as).

In this sermon, Imam Ali (as) introduces himself, foretells about the future and states the end of time and signs of re-emergence of Imam Mahdi (ajtf). A major part of the sermon relates to messianic issues as well as the apocalyptic period and signs of reappearance. This sermon discusses the signs of reappearance and also deals with the subject of Sayyid Hasani and his uprising and conduct with Imam Mahdi (atf) as well as his surrender to the Imam.  When it comes to the chain of transmission of this narration and its validity, there are discrepant views and comments among Shia scholars some affirming it, others opposing.

According to the references mentioned in this sermon, Abdullh bin Masood said: When Imam Ali (as) being appointed to caliphate, He came back to Basrah after three days, ascended to pulpit in the Jame’ Mosque of the city and delivered a sermon saying about the difficulties and calamities happened the death of the holy Prophet (pbuh). While Imam Ali (as) delivering speech a man named Suwaid bin Nufil Hilahi, one of the great man of Khawarij interrupted the his speech, and asked: from where did the Imam know these things? Imam Ali (as) looked at the man angrily and talked about his attributes and knowledge. The followings are a few phrases the Imam introduced himself: Ana’ Sirr al-Asrar, Ana’ Shajarat al-Anwar; Ana’ Dalil al-Samawat; Ana’ Anis al-Musabbahat.[1]

This long sermon has only mentioned in recent sources. Ilzam al-Nasib, written by Ali Yazdi haeri (d. 1333 A.h) is one of the most accessible sources. In this book, there are three different versions of this sermon, Khutbat al-Bayan that each of them has vast difference with the other. The first two versions have no references, but the book al-Durr al-Munazzam fee al-Sirr al-Aazam, written by Muhammad bin Talhah Shafe’ei, the Sunni scholars but loving Ahlul Bayt (pbuth) is the only sources mentioned for the third version of this sermon.[2]

Those who mentioned in this book as the chain of narrations for this sermon are unknown except Tawq bin Malik, because he is not a narrator and had never narrated a hadith from him. He is one of the Harun al-Rashid’s commander that passed away in the year 216 A.H.[3]

The followings are some points we should take into consideration about Abdullah bin Masood, the main narrator that is the most important reason than the chain of narration.

  1. He has passed away before the caliphate of Imam Ali (as). So, he couldn’t narrate this sermon, because Imam Ali (as) was delivered it after being appointed to caliphate in Basra or Kufa.
  2. This chain of narration is Marfoo. This means that there are some unknown persons between ibn Masood and the listener of Khutbah, so we ought not to accept this hadith as Sahih.
  3. According to Sunni scholars, Abdullah bin Masood has never narrated a Hadith from Imam Ali (as).[4]
  4. According to Shia, ibn Masood wasn’t careful about narrating hadith. Meaning that he cannot be trusted.[5]

Therefore, according to the previous mentioned reasons, we ought not to trust about the chain of narration of this sermon.

In his book Bisharat al-Islam, Sayyid Mustafa  Ale Haydar said: we haven’t found the correct chain of narration for this sermon. None of the great narrators like Kulayni, sadouq and Sheikh Tusi have never narrated it. We can conclude that since Allamah Majlisi never narrated this sermon that this sermon is not reliable.[6]

Late Mirza-ye Qummi, the author Qawanin al-Usul after denying the attribution of this sermon to Imam Ali (as), talked about Khutbat al-Bayan and its problems in detail at the end of book Jame’ al-Shatat.[7]

Allamah Jafar Murtadha Ameli specialized an important part of his book, al-dirasat fee Alamat al-Dhuhur wa al-Jazirat al-Khazra, to reecting this sermon, some of which are as follows:

  1. In this sermon, some persons like Amr bin Saleh, Salman, Miqdad and ibn Yaqtin have been mentioned as those who were presented there, while salman and Miqdad have already passed away before the caliphate of Imam Ali (as). Also, Amr bin Saleh and ibn Yaqtin weren’t contemporary to the Imam.

Suwayd bin Nufil Hilali who mentioned in this sermon as the great man of Khawarij is not exist.

  1. As we read in the first version of this sermon, Gabriel (as) has descended on the Rock of Jerusalem, while this place is the Jewish Kiblah and Bani Umayyah forged some traditions in praise of it.
  2. According to Islamic traditions, Imam Hussain (as) will give Ghusl to, shroud and bury the Imam of the Time (ajtf), but this sermon says: Prophet Jesus (as) will do it.
  3. There are some ambiguous phrases mentioned in this sermon, some of which are as follows: Ana Mus’haf al-Injil, Ana Sher al-Zabraqan, Ana Unuq al-Sibtayn, Ana Atarud al-Ta’til, Ana Nasikh al-Mary, Ana Ghufran al-Shartayn and etc.
  4. There are many highly colored statements in this sermon, some of them are: Ana Alaniyat al-Mabood, Ana al-Dhahir ma’a al-Anbiya, Ana Sabab al-Asbab, Ana al-Awwalu wal Akhar, Ana al-Dhahir, Ana al-Batin, Ana Waze al-Shariat and etc.
  5. There are some solecisms, incorrect words (grammatical mistakes) and Farsi words like Keywan have mentioned in this sermon.
  6. As we Shia denied determining the time of Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (ajtf), but there have mentioned some strange signs of re-emergence and determined that the Imam will appear in the year 1184 A.H.
  7. Many repetitive phrases are exist in this sermon.
  8. As the following phrase has mentioned in this sermon we come to the conclusion that one who forged this sermon is Nasebi and an enemy of Ahlul Bayt (pbuth). [8]

“ضيّعتُ الارض و حُكم الفرض”

Mirza-ye Qummi said: I haven’t seen in any authentic book that this sermon is attributed to Imam, but it has mentioned in some Sufism resources.[9]

Al-Iftikhariya Sermon: In his Mashariq al-Anwar, Hafez Rajab Borsi has narrated from Asbagh bin Nabatah a relatively long sermon named Al-Iftikhar Sermon which the narrator has attributed to Imam Ali (A.S). In that sermon, Imam Ali (A.S) introduces himself with these words: “I am the brother of the Messenger of God and the Heir to His knowledge, the treasury of His wisdom, and the Companion of His secret. There is not a letter revealed by God in any of His Books whose intention does not point towards me. He hath vouchsafed unto me the knowledge of what was from eternity and what will happen unto the Day of Resurrection. To me hath been vouchsafed the knowledge of past and future generations and their genealogies.”[10] Then he refers to future events and the signs of reappearance.[11] If you go through the sermon and take careful a look at the words, you will come to know that a lot of the words and meanings in this sermon are also found in other narrations which have been substantiated and approved in their own respective places.

Al-Tatanjiya Sermon: Late Hafez Rajab Borsi has reported this sermon in his Mashariq Anwar al-Yaqin”.[12] Considering that Imam Ali (A.S) says in a part of this sermon: «اَنَا الْواقِفُ عَلَى التُّطُنْجَیْنِ» [13](I am abiding over the two gulfs (tatanjayn)), this sermon is called Al-Tatanjiya which means two gulfs of water or this world and the hereafter. The first part of the sermon dealing with creation of the world is very similar to the first part of Nahjul Balaghah. Most of the wordings and sentence structures are completely overshadowed by Quranic verses and are relying on traditional beliefs. The sermon deals mainly with Imam Ali’s expanse of knowledge, especially his super knowledge of the universe, the preceding and future events. It is for the same reason that the sermon is replete with statements about the cosmos as well as reports about the apocalyptic period or the end of time.  This sermon explains the course of glorification of Allah, the Exalted, throughout the history of prophets as well as the existential guardianship (wilayat takvini) and knowledge of the Infallible Imams (A.S). In other words, it introduces the perfect man. The discourse is about the first creation and created which have been referred to in the tradition as such: «اَوَّلُ ما خَلَقَ اللّه‏ُ الْعَقْلُ» (The first thing that God created was the intelligence).[14]

This position of intelligence has different expressions in its various dimensions. This position of intelligence is the “Muhammadan Reality (haqiqat muhammadia)”.

The Al-Tatanjiya Sermon has not been narrated in Nahjul Balaghah but Sayyid Hebatullah Abi Muhammad Musavi (d. 703 A.H.) has recorded it in his al-Majmu’ al-Rayiq Min Ezhar al-Hadaiq.[15] Some recent scholars like Ali Yazdi Haeri (d. 1323 A.H.) have also narrated it.[16]

At the end of this sermon, there is a description of the four realms (aqalim) and Sheikh Agha Buzurg Tehrani has considered it probable that this sermon might be united with the Al-Aqalim Sermon which Ibn Shahrashub has talked about in his Al-Manaqib.[17] This sermon has been published either independently or as supplements in other publications. Different manuscripts of this sermon are said to be in the libraries of the University of Tehran, the Iranian parliament, Waziri Yazd and Masjid A’azam of Qom.[18] Many commentaries have been written expounding the said sermon[19] the most famous of which is Irshad Al-Mustarshideen by Sayyid Kazim Rashti (d.1259 A.H) of which seventeen manuscripts are available in Iran’s libraries.[20]

This sermon is defective in terms of its chain of transmission. Thus, the chain of transmission cannot be considered as reliable but the contents and significations of the sermon are acceptable even though they may not be those of the Commander of the Faithful, Ali, peace be upon him.  Keeping in view the fact that there are also other narrations having higher and more perfect contents than those of this narration reaffirming it, some scholars are of the view that the contents of the Al-Tatanjiya Sermon are correct. They maintain that by turning to the reports regarding the virtues and merits of the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (A.S), the doubt concerning this sermon will be removed. In fact, they state that the reports, like verses, explicit or implicit, general and particular, restricted and unrestricted, ambiguous and unambiguous. Some of them should be interpreted in the same way as the Quranic verses. Hence, it is necessary for every just and fair individual not to reject a tradition which he finds apparently dichotomous with the principles and rules. He should rather reflect and contemplate on it and should also compare it with other reports which have been passed on from the Infallibles (A.S) and which interpret the report. That is because their reports, like the holy verses of the Quran, expound and interpret one another.[21] For instance, in Kulayni’s Al-Kafi, there are traditions about perfect man which are in no way in contradiction with Islamic doctrines. For example, Imam Ali (A.S) has been reported as having said:

«أَنَا عَيْنُ اللَّهِ وَ أَنَا يَدُ اللَّهِ وَ أَنَا جَنْبُ اللَّهِ- وَ أَنَا بَابُ اللَّهِ»[22]

“I am God’s eye, and I am God’s hand…”  Hence, it can be said that the traditions in this regard confirm the content of Al-Tatanjiya Sermon to some extent.

[1] .Haeri Yazdi, Ali, Ilzam al-Nasib fee Ithbat  al-Hujjat al-Ghaeb, Vol. 2, Pgs. 148-191, first edition, Beirut, 1422 A.H.

[2] . Ibid, Pg. 232.

[3] . Al-Tabari, Abu Jafar, Tarikh al-Tabari, Vol. 8, Pg. 323, Dar al-Turath, Beirut, second edition,; Al-Yaqoubi, Ahmad bin Abi Yaqoub, Tarikh al-Yaqoubi, Vol. 2, Pg. 424, Dar al-Sader, Beirut, Bita.

[4] . Al-Mazy, Yousef bin al-Zaki, Tahzib al-Kamal fee Asma al-Rijal, Vol. 16, Pg. 121, N. 3564, al-Risalah Institution, Beirut, 1400 A.H.

[5] . Kashi, Abu Amr, Muhammad bin Umar bin Abdul Aziz, Rijal al-Kashi, Pg. 38, Mashad University Publication Instirution, Mashhad, 1490 A.H.

[6] . Ale Haydar, Sayyid Mustafa, Bisharat al-Islam, Pg. 75, H. 214, al-Bithat Institution, Tehran, 1410 A.H.

[7] .Qummi, Abul Qasim, Jame’ al-Shatat, Pg. 792, Kayhan Institution, first edition, Tehran, 1413 A.H.

[8] . Ameli, Jafar murtadha, Dirasat fee Alamat al-Dhuhur, Pg. 75, Muntadi Jabal al-Amel al-Islami, Qom, 1412 A.H.

[9] . Jame al-Shatat, Pg. 792.

[10] Hafez, Borsi, Rajab bin Muhammad, Mashariq Anwar al-Yaqin fi Asrar Amir al-Momeneen (A.S), researched and edited by Ashur,Ali, p. 260, A’lami, 260, Beirut, first edition, 1422 A.H.

[11] Vide: Ibid, p. 260 – 262.

[12] Ibid, p. 263.

[13] Ibid.

[14] Sheikh Hurr Amili, Muhammad bin Hasan, al-Jawahir al-Saniyah fi al-Ahadith al-Qudsiyah (generalities of Qudsi hadiths), p. 647, Dehqan Publications’, Tehran, third edition, 1380 (2001); Ibn Abil Hadid, Abdul Hamid bin Hebahullah, Sharh Nahjul Balaghah, researched and corrected by Ibrahim, Muhammad Abulfazl, vol.18, p. 185, Late Ayatollah Mar’ashi Najafi’s Library, Qom, first edition, 1404 A.H.

[15] Musavi, Sayyid Hebatullah Abi Muhammad, al-Majmu’ al-Rayiq min Ezhar al-Hadaiq, vol.1, p. 452, Ministry of Islamic Culture and Guidance, Tehran, 1375 A.H.

[16] Yazdi Haeri, Ali, Elzam al-Nasib fi Ethbat al-Hujjah al-Ghaib (atf), researched and corrected by Ashur, Ali, vol.2, p. 199, al-A’lami Institute, Beirut, first edition, 1422 A.H.

[17] Agha Buzurg Tehrani, al-Zari’ah Ela Tasanif al-Shi’ah, vol.7, p. 199, and 201, Ismailiyan, Qom, 1408 A.H; Ibn Shahrashub Mazandarani, Manaqib Aal Abi Talib (A.S), vol.2, p. 274, Allamah Publications, Qom, first edition, 1379 A.H.

[18] Vide: Fehres (Catalogue) of the Library of the University of Tehran, vol.13, p. 3380, and vol.6, p. 365; Fehres of Majlis Library, vol. 38, p. 497; Fehres  of Waziri Yazd Library, vol.1, p. 21, Fehres of Masjid A’azam Library, Qom, 606.

[19] Muhammad Karim Khan bin Ibrahim Kermani (d. 1288 A.H.), A Commentary of Al-Tatanjiya Sermon (a manuscript of which is kept in Sepahsalar Library. There is also an unknown commentary on Al-Tatanjiya Library in the Catalogue of the University of Tehran (vol.2, p. 703, No. 1067). Vide: Ali Sadrai, Khoei, with cooperation of Abul Fazl Sulaymani, Mahdi, Ashtiani, Ihsan, Catalogue of Manuscripts (Shiite Hadith and Hadith Sciences), vol.4, p. 377 – 378, Dar al-Hadith Printing and Publication Institution, Qom, first edition, 1384 (2005).

[20] Vide: Catalogue of Manuscripts (Shiite Hadith and Hadith Sciences), vol.4, p. 375 – 377.

[21] Vide: Allamah Hasanzadeh Amuli, Hasan, The Best Work in Rejection of Compulsion and Predestination and Two other Treatises, p. 98, Islamic Propagations Office, Qom, fourth edition,1379 (2000).

[22] Kulayni, Muhammad bin Ya’qub, Al-Kafi, researched and corrected by Ghaffari, Ali Akbar, Akhundi, Muhammad, vol.1, p. 145, Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyah, Tehran, fourth edition, 1407 A.H.